The last 12 weeks have been such a gift to rest, reflect, be restored (i.e. Dietrich!) and allow God to rebuild my engine. Engines are meant to power movement. Here are 7 new ways I will be operating:
1. Modeling health and growth after John 15: the vine and the branches metaphor Jesus gives. Healthy things grow. Health comes by connectedness to Jesus.
2. Use a disciplined focus in leading & living
-A 'Leading Vision' tool to consistently evaluate
-Use our 'Marriage 'check in' tool with Tanya.
-Use Supervision Dashboards to stay focused on essentials with key staff, and areas we serve
-Use my process to 'Review and Preview' every week on Friday at 3pm.
3. Battle against fear and scarcity thinking. Love and faith is the fuel Jesus gives us. Fear and scarcity suck life, love and faith out. Pray before during and after everything. 'Pray continually' 1Thess5:17. And remember what the Spirit empowers me to do; love power & self-discipline. 2Tim1:7
4. Take Sabbath Seriously. TSS. Receive, protect and savor the day of rest, weekly

6. Talk 50% less when leading. Prepare clearer messaging, prepare to simplify my words, allow for more Q & A so folks can process more.
7. Focus on essentials first when planning
-What do you want? (Clarify desired outcome)
-Why do you want it? (Get real & honest.)
-What has held us back from this so far. (The more honest, the more helpful it'll be)
I look forward to operating differently the next 1-5 years. Thanks for being on the journey with me. Feel free to bring up any of these topics, I'm happy to talk (50% less)...and ask YOU questions too. :) -Jeff