I have a portrait of Rembrandt's "Return of the Prodigal Son" on the wall in my garage. It reminds me daily when I come home, that I need to daily 'come home' to God. As much as I think I have my stuff together, I depart from God daily in my thoughts, emotions, actions, lack of reliance, desire to be important and my self-protection to control life.
I was first inspired by this painting from the book bearing its' same name, by Henri Nouwen. It is my lifetime #1 favorite book. The painting hangs in the Hermitage museum in St Petersburg, Russia. In fact, I have seen it in person but had no idea the significance it would play in my life, helping me to see that I am both the lost son needing grace, the elder son needing to extend and receive grace, and am invited to become as the Father, extending grace.
Two weeks ago, I received a Facebook message that caught me off guard. Steve G, my very first YL 'kid' in 1998, who I met while doing contact work while coaching tennis, reached out to me after ghosting me over 12 years. In invested deeply in to Steve, he was one of my "3" on my discipleship tree. Right there among Casey Price, Brent Schwartz and Ernie Merino. Knowing I had invested SO much into him in HS, and losing touch all these years, I found myself like the elder son, yet wanting the heart of the father who ran to greet his lost son.
Steve and I talked for hours. He shared his journey; the successes of a thriving business, his new marriage (the elder son in me had been bitter I wasn't invited,) his daughter and second child they are expecting. Then he asked if I would baptize him. He wanted a fresh start with God. I have only baptized two people. Janna, and my Uncle George. I told him it would be such an honor. Then he asked if I had some direction I could give him on how to grow in his faith and catch up on all the lost, wasted time.
Of course, I busted out the fresh robe, the family ring and new shoes to try on. He needed to understand the grace God covers him with, his identity in Christ and new rhythms to begin walking in.
I recommended he read "Return of the Prodigal Son." Two days later, he replied, "Okay, I'm done. How did you know that would be SO perfect for me? Wow. So we unpacked it together. He went through the emotions of self-disgust for wasting so many years, yet came to terms that he wants to develop a father's heart, and asked me "how!"
Next, we began to look at how his life (and mine) can intersect with God more. I summarized 20 years of learning into 30 minutes. Bro took notes! I shared of Spiritual Disciplines and life rhythms that could set him up to receive more of Jesus and lose more of self. I summarized 'The Life You've Always Wanted' book, pairing up spiritual disciplines with sins of commission or omission, so we are thoughtful of what we add or subtract when connecting with God. He loved it, and already has been taking solitudes to slow down, taking times of silence to listen, studying God's word to fill his mind with more, and taking weekly time to 'celebrate' and praise God to re-direct glory from self to God.
I am finding that it is so amazing to see from the eyes of the father in the scene. To be the one welcoming, forgiving, restoring, clothing and fitting for new shoes to walk in. I know what its like to be on the other end of that story. Mentors, Tanya, friends, God...I have been welcomed back so many times when I drifted or wandered. What a joy to welcome back one of my "3." As I drive home this month, that picture will have a whole new meaning.
Do you need to come home? Welcome others back? Seek those who are lost? Read Luke 15 all over again from the eyes of the father.
-Jeff Huber