It has been a year of zooms every week since our middle school kids have gathered in person for Wyldlife. That streak has ended last Monday, we met! All kids except for one agreed to meet up in our from yard for bocce ball, corn hole, pizza, highs and lows and prayer. It was magical; surreal even. During highs and lows, I joked to one quiet kid in the circle to unmute himself and share his screen. I think I confused him, but the others got my in person vs. zoom joke.
During the time we ask the kids how we can pray for them, each shared without having to think. Safety. Anxiety. One brave 7th grader who I’ll call Willie, courageously asked for prayer for mental heath and against depression. The last kid, who is from a 'non-religious’ family, mustered rare courage to ask for prayer, pointing at Willie, adding, ‘yes, what he prayed for.’ My co-leader Kaeden prayed for each one, remembering all 8.
I took Willie and his bro home and the conversation led to them both wanting to read the Bible more. We agreed to read Philippians 2 together this week. Wylie lamented that he wants to, but always forgets and that he’s not good at remembering things, especially God. We talked through how to form a habit, and that the easiest way I know it 'habit stacking.’ That is to identify a habit you already have and add your new habit right after it, using a ‘cue’ to remember. He showers every night, and will now put his bible on the bathroom counter top as he starts the shower so when he’s done, he takes his bible to his room, and voila! Challenge accepted!
Fast forward to the next morning, last Tuesday. He texted me that at night, he woke up and sensed something evil, maybe the devil, in his room. He had a vision he needed help figuiring out. He explained it that his door was slightly cracked open with light shining into his room. He said he wasn’t sure if he should get up and open it, if that would that let the devil in. He asked what I thought.
My prayerful response was to share 1John 1:5; "Jesus is light and in him is no darkness."
He responded, ‘so, maybe the devil was trying to keep me in darkness.’
I agreed, adding Revelation 3:20, that "Jesus stands at our door and knocks, and that if we open the door to him, he will come in and do life together."
He exclaimed, "so the light I saw outside my door represented JESUS. And i stayed in the darkness, that's why this felt evil. I have not been opening up to Jesus, but have been lazy and distracted, which is darkness, but Jesus is offering for me to open my door."
“I think you got it figured out, broseph!”
“Thanks Jeff, sorry to bother you at 7 in the morning.”
Friends, it is never a bother to help someone open their life’s door to God. It never gets old being up close, seeing Jesus pursue young people in ways they understand. This was a great reminder to me that God is always at work, always speaking, yet so is the voice of the accuser, cr
eating distractions and confusion. Could it be that our mission to introduce young people to Jesus is simply helping them to hear the Voice of God that has already, always been speaking to them before I ever even met them? I'm thinking most definately so. It’s not about us, but God delights to involve us in changing lives.