Monday, July 12, 2021

Week 3: Healings, Hatings, Apologies and Miracles

Our 'Canyon session 2' assignment team!

 A healing! A leader came with a long struggle with endometriosis, and a desire to have a child. She had significant discomfort throughout the week. Our head leader, Gallo, from Sunnyside/Lower Valley area, asked if he could pray for healing for her. For the rest of camp, she felt relief, and two weeks later, we received a message from her back home that she has gotten back to 'regular' lady stuff and is experiencing a full healing. Glory to God!

One girl came, who's family insistent she go, and her anxiety level was visibly palpable from the very moment she set foot off the bus to a crowd of cheering work crew. She expected that God would be both expected and forced on her. Each time in club, Tanita's messages dispelled that, with her vulnerability, voicing doubts and cultural values she resonated with, and the invitational, non-forced approach for sharing Jesus' offer of life all week long. Such a joy to see her walls come down and receive!

Jim Stuck, Hans Liezen & Jeffrey at Creekside!

At Creekside our teammates Jeffrey, Hans, Jim, Claire, Gary, Kent W and WC kid, Max Hein, are leading mightily. At the end of the first camper (4 day) week, 120 kids stood up to say 'yes' to starting a relationship with Jesus. Being such a short week, with kids coming out of a year and a half of being stuck behind screens, and little visible cues throughout the week, jaws dropped and heaven celebrated! And 80 more the next week, with two more weeks to go!

Our experience in Mission-Community together. We had a clear mission, yet we leaned into how we do 'community' together with everyone amidst all our differences. It was healing. Focus on Jesus as the center of our selves and our community here, meaning, that we would go to Jesus first with our thoughts, feelings, conflicts and priority/purpose. And that we would be 'relationship people' where we move towards each other rather than move away from them. This is HARD and holy work for many of us where seeing understanding and being honest leads to fight or flight or freeze. This past year and a half has only ecxaserbated fear of reconciling and moving towards unity. Gosh it has been heard yet healing. As we kept sharing this value, some folks serving here noted "this would be a great value for my marriage too, not just leading together!

Last week I shared about 6 kids from Lake Oswego who I had to send home early due to repeat camp no-nos. Well, this week, I received three apologies from Lake Oswego kids via email. God is still at work in their lives, even after an early exit. Pray with me for the seeds to continue to spout and grow.

Janna was having a really hard day on the last week, and she struggled all evening, having an overwhelming feeling like she wanted to go home, was tired, drained and struggled feeling that she did not fit among the community of the work crew. She had been learning (after Gallo spoke) how to pray through sadness and and learn to lament and engage on this level with God. In prayer, God lifted up her sadness, negative feelings and God reminded her that he does belong here, with these people and for His purpose. She felt tangible relief after praying. Fast-forward to the next morning, the camp doctor's husband, Glenn Snyder, co-committee chair in Chelan Valley YL, went through Janna's breakfast serving line and he told her that he and his wife Dr Jenn felt led to pray for Janna late last night, and then her placed a reassuring hand on Janna's shoulder, looked her in the eye and said the same words God had reassured her with the night before, 'we are so glad you are here, you belong here,' and walked away, Janna said it confirmation of what was happening in her prayer time with God, and Glenn delivered it without even knowing the significance of the timing, exact words and reassurance. Wow. She was so elated to share how God worked in HER life.

We had 5 of our region's DFLs here at camp at the same time. DFLs are 'Developing Future Leaders.' Our next generation of staff we are investing in as a region. Jesenia (Jess) from Wenatchee. Kali from Yakima Valley. Rissto from Lower Yakima Valley. Norma from Tri-Cities. And Nikki Mack from Spokane. Tanya helps train them throughout the year in partnership with the area directors, and our goal is that at least half of them continue on year 3 to launch a new ministry or area and we continue to match funds to help make it possible for a smoother on-ramp into full time staff and new growth. What a blessing to have so many in one place!

Last week, a kid who identifies as one of the rarer letters on the LGBT+ spectrum, came to camp, and when I was given a heads up, I prayed that they would have an incredible experience, free from any foolish words, awkward looks, and any other distraction from hearing the good news of Jesus clearly.  At the end of the week, their trip leader confirmed that indeed, 'he' had the best week of his life in every way, with not a single hint of negativity. After a year of turmoil hard pressing against YL, this added weight to our intention to love EVERY kid and welcome all.

On day 3, one kid, Kiernan, told his leader after cabin time on night 2, 'I f-ing hate you!' The leader was doing his best with a challenging group of guys who were not taking cabin time seriously and were fiercely skeptical of everything at camp. Fast forward to two days later, Kiernan and the leader had a one-on-one time together, and the leader guided him to pray to receive Christ in his heart, and he showed up to the new believers walk. God still moves mountains! And somehow, his name ended up on the cross twice. Probably that poor leader wanted to make double sure, he must have written it the second time, where 'Kiernan' was spelled incorrectly.

As Tanita, our camp speaker, prayed early in the week for kids, the Lord gave her a name of a kid to pray for-Jacob. She Did not know who this was, but was led to pray for him, whoever he was. Carson, our head leader from Coeur d'Alene, walked up to Tanita and I sharing about an amazing conversation he had with a kid named Jacob. Tanita belted" JACOB??!!" Carson looked confused, he didn't know what God had prompted her with in prayer. Carson reported about how during Tanita's message describing sin, us turning our life away from God and trying to fill the emptiness with all kinds of things that do not satisfy, Jacob said that all this sounded exactly like his life and that it was a wake up call for him to look at his life in a new, fresh way.  

Ping Pong. As though anyone cares, or my pride needs an excuse to inflate itself, I left camp undefeated in ping pong. There was a best-of-five series where a few games were taken from me by Mason Keller our WC Coordinator. Yet, Mason, Etu our musician, Nick Harris from Gig Harbor, Stan the Man Price and a kid from Pendleton were all the worthiest of opponents.

During our time off between camps, we were blessed to have Eduardo Gallo and Jillian Debritz speak to all our team of 100 folks here. Gallo spoke on praying with both lament and authenticity, and Jillian spoke on wise ways to pray through anxiety, depression and whatever you're going through. Here's Jillian sharing:  

Pacific Islander kids loved Tanita and our musician, Etu Vala
A group of Pacific lslander kids and leaders came from Salem Oregon this week. From the moment club started with Etu Finau Vala masterfully leading songs from up front, they were so dialed into camp, with the rare experience of having 'one of us Islanders' represent them up front at something like this. After they all walked up on the last morning to place their name upon the cross, they asked Etu for a picture with all of them together, thanking him for being a big part of their impact here.

Dietrich was part of 'program' as a t-rex and 'demi-gorgon' during days 2 and 3 lunch walk-ons. He made sushi, musubi for staff parties, he hosted shows for the kids on the TV there, played a lot of ping-pong, rode bikes and loved being part of the community life at camp. This was our biggest prayer (other than kids meeting Jesus, of course!) and God came through big with Dietrich enjoying this whole time serving her. 

My YL leader, DAVE! And his daughters.
My 2 YL leaders when I was in high school was Joel and Dave. Dave came this past week with his wife Kris as an adult guest. So thankful we are still together. His daughters Hannah and Sarah served on Summer Staff and WC. Such a joy! 

Over 80 kids said "YES!" to Jesus this 3rd week. Leaders had each of these kids on their 'lists' all year long, some for longer. It was an absolute honor to have front row seats as servant-leaders for them to help the kids they brought to taste and see that the Lord is good. I am tired, as is the team I served alongside. Pray for them (pictured above,) and for the property team who welcomes in the next session today. Pray for kids returning home with leaders, that the seeds fall on good soil. And pray for the kids Tanya and I are each bringing to camp experiences in a few weeks. And our biggest (selfish) prayer request was that God would sustain Dietrich over these 3 weeks, where he often comes unraveled in these assignments. This prayer was anxswered beyond our wildest imaginations! Thanks!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Week 2: 'Yada Yada Yada, he met Jesus'

Serving at YL camp for 3-4 weeks is hard work, yet is one of the best seats available to see God at work up close. I love sharing these stories with you. This 4th of July week was our smallest camp; exactly 100. (last week was 260, the group arriving today is almost 300.) We all prayed for the significance of there being 100. Like Jesus, who leaves the 99 to go after the one lost sheep, that we would each pray for and look for the 'one.' There were no shortage of 'the ONE' kids. Lost sheep. And Jesus did not disappoint. 

One kid from Vancouver, Demarii, came in with 'walls' up. His story was that he had been arrested as a kid for selling drugs. He is a gifted basketball player, potentially D-1 level. He shared with our all-star 'adult guest host' Stan Price, while shooting hoops together on the last full day, that he had no relationship or background with God. We prayed all week for him. On the last night, our musician Etu, shared his story of his dad dying, his anger with God, and entering into a life as a kid of selling drugs, then being invited to YL camp and meeting Jesus. Demarii was moved and shared that it broke him, realizing that his story did not seem to fit with anyone's or with God, but that eve, he turned his 'chair' around, he put a 'rock on the pile', and placed his name on the cross. We were moved to tears, blown away by whatever the 'yada yada yada' that took place between free time and the evening on Day 4. Jesus still lifts lost sheep on his shoulders.

One kid serving at camp knew his brother was here as a camper. Alfonso seemed completely disengaged and apathetic all week, shrugging off the messages and his leader. I wish I knew the 'yada yada yada' in between his demeanor all week and that the last morning, he put his name on the cross expressing his commitment to start a relationship with God. Alfonso's brother couldn't believe his eyes and they hugged like long long brothers reuniting. Such a beautiful sight. 

One girl named Sierra was shopping alone in the camp store. Sarah, who serves in there, connected with her and not only helped her find what she was looking for, but made a deep connection, asking good questions about how her week was going and about her life back home. After buying her items, she asked if she could just stay in the store and keep talking. Sierra and Sarah kept talking for another hour. After the store closed for the day, Sarah wrote her name on the palm of her hand to remember to pray for her. Sarah is a list person, holding to the value that names matter and to intentionally write names down to remember it and to prompt us to pray. The next day, they saw each other and the camper noticed her name 'Sierra' written on Sarah's hand. She asked to look at her hand and was moved to tears and asked what inspired that. Sarah shared how God has our names 'written on his hand' (Isaiah 49:16.) She ran to her leader, sharing how she felt so loved and seen. This was part of the 'yada yada yada' that led Sierra to put her name on the cross. So good to share God's love so deeply.

This week was a restless bunch. One of the cabins of boys from Lake Oswego had been heard plotting how they could push the limits enough to get sent home early. After multiple pranks on other cabins, disrespectful talk and behavior, being assigned to do two hours of landscape duty in the 100 degree sun, they finally crossed the line and awakened my camp directorly, papa-bear limits to actually call each of their parents at 12:45am on the final night and have them drive to camp to pick up their kids early in the morning. We were done. Sneaking out at midnight up the steepest, most dangerous hill (hella steep, rattlesnake-riddled) I know of at midnight was enough for me. It was the most loving thing to do for these kids. And for the rest of camp which could not function with them there in this mindset. Praying for these 6 boys to have taken a lesson just for them at camp, not the one our speaker prepared, but hopefully the Holy Spirit will deliver to them. Phew!

At all-camp worship, where the whole team of those serving (work crew, summer staff, a-team and camp property teams), Gallo shared about the importance of lamenting in our prayers. There are many things that really bother us in life; anger, sadness, loss, depressing and anxious feelings, shame, guilt or loneliness. We often carry these feelings without taking them to God in prayer. We feel like we can only praise him, yet Jesus modeled in the garden of Gethsemane how we need to be authentic when praying: "Father, if there is any way that you would take this cup of suffering from me, but not my will but yours be done." And half of the Psalms in the Bible are laments. We then gave our whole team an opportunity to practice this kind of prayer that starts in rugged honesty and ends in praise. Such a gift to show these young people (and old!) how to engage God rather than sit in their pain alone. Prayer is a gift!

It was such a joy to have an amazing group of adult guests from so many years of my life be here this past week, and my YL leader Dave (and Kris) Ringoen is coming today to be a guest this week.

Janna is doing awesome on WC, Dietrich continues to thrive (thank you Jesus!) and Tanya has been such a blessing to everyone here, even filled in as a Head Leader on night one and hosted a huge party.

This crew who just arrived is our final of three weeks. Stories are ready to be unfolded before our eyes, with mysterious 'yada yada yadas' that we can't explain how, as we pray and partner with God!

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Week 1 Is Done: Nuns and 'ONE more' kid


During sand volleyball, one kid lost a pin that holds his watch together, making it unable to wrap around his wrist. The problem was that he has frequent seizures and this watch tracks them and gives him warnings and data. He was in tears and panic. Over 10 people scoured the sand volleyball court to find it, the guest services team even brought out a metal detector, all to no avail. We convinced him to join in club and that we would keep looking. That 'we' was Tanya, and after her scruptulous process, sifting sand on every square foot of the court, she found the missing pin for the watch, much to his relief. I always said that Tanya is a good looker. 

This has been the largest group of campers this summer. With that came really tough stories of kids, a need to report things to police, CPS and HR, all in the name of advocating for these kids' safety and well-being. I am tired. Our head leaders are too. The good news was shared with 250+ kids, and 83 kids started a new relationship with God. After they had processed this decision alone in 15 minute quiet times, during cabin times with their peers, and during one-on-ones with their leaders, they were offered a chance to express that decision by writing their name on a sticky note and putting it on the cross. Great visual. 

After all the kids came up, Tanita was closing up the time, and a kid walked across the stage in front of everyone and added their name on the cross too. Everyone clapped, it was a special moment of disregarding social conventions and caring what people think and expressing her newfound faith. After all kids were dismissed and off to lunch and their bus ride home, one more kid came up with their leader and added even ONE more name to the cross. Alyssa. One more! That is what we celebrate. One more. Luke 15 says that there is a celebration in heaven for one more person that turns to God. Will you celebrate ONE more with us?

Did I mention we had 7 nuns as adult guests this week? Yep. It was priceless to have them judge the pool olympics (nuns, judging HS kids in

swimsuits!) one nun won the crowd mixer on night one beating out the kids from Portland, they zip lines with skirts and head covering flapping wildly in the wind, yet they invited us to participate in Mass every morning at 6:30am, and we shared cabin times together than were among the most viscerally deep and powerful prayer times I have ever encountered. I'm nun the better.  

Lastly, Dietrich is doing SO well. He has been to many camps as a family member and often struggles to be here, He has made some friends, he has put on TWO sushi parties for our assignment team, he rides his bike, he dressed up as an inflatable t-rex, as Boris the Russian bowler's pet, he hides clues in all kids cabins on night one, and more. And Janna is doing great on work crew. Tired but great. Tanya has been a life saver, a great advisor, prayer-partner, and support to me as camp director as well as to the rest of the team and families.

Ava Gaffney, so thankful she came!

Lets pray for that ONE more kid. We have Pendleton Oregon, Lake Oswego, Vancouver WA and Shoreline WA coming. 

Thank you!

PS- 'Evie' (Ava) from the previous post put her name on the cross. As did Zack who lost his watch pin.