Friday, June 30, 2017

Week 1: What I Have Learned So Far!

In my first 12 days of sabbatical, I have already picked up some incredible wisdom, am catching my breath, reconnecting quite successfully with fam, and turning my heart towards connecting more deeply with Jesus. I wanted to share a top 5 of my nuggets so far.

5. The odds are ever in our favor
   Reading 'David and Goliath' by Malcolm Gladwell has opened my eyes to see how often I miss the real odds in situations I count myself 'out' from. Goliath is easily seen as the 'underdog' when looking closer in the Biblical account: an infantry vs a precise slinger, God's favor, and Goliath's slowness. My weaknesses actually create capacities to rely MORE on others (including God!) and uncover a necessity to take risks, which create favorable conditions for success and for mountains to be moved...just like Jesus suggested. "HIS grace is sufficient for me...I delight in weaknesses, for where I am weak, I am strong' 2 Cor. 12.

4. Loving unconditionally is the 'tortoise who wins the (relational) race'
  The 50 day period of time where Dietrich spoke only twice with me, ended. The contributing factors were prayer, unconditionally loving him [even when I felt like yelling, demanding, punishing or forcing...wanting hare-like quick results], love from extended family, and anti-depressants too. We are closer than EVER now, and do feel like the posture of loving and being close with him in the midst of his shutting out of me was a big contributing factor.

3. Be still and chill. 
I am learning that I have plenty of work to do on internalizing the invitation by God to me/us: "Be still and know that I am Lord." Psalm 46:10. For an 'relational, idea-happy, activator-leader' type, this invitation to be still, to not move, to not 'work first,' but wait on God, is going to be a worthy journey for me to embark on.

2. 'Not working' is really working
Many have told me that taking a break from my leadership duties is extremely healthy for others and for me. I see Kent McDonald, Lydia Flint, Garrett Gress (social media for the region while I'm gone, etc.), the solid regional board members engaging with areas and ADs using their gifts to further the mission & more. Bill Robinson (20 yr Whitworth president) expressed to me (and scribbled on my journal, see on the right) that it is good for me to reevaluate what my time is best spent doing, allowing others to explore their best too. Upon returning, each could have a more likely chance to serve in their sweet spots, instead of in where we are not strong, yet obligated.

1.  I can be relational and influential without being ingenuine
Using strengthfinders as a resource, two of my top three strengths are 'Woo' and 'Adaptability.' Woo is a gift to 'winning others over,' to be a bold asker and influencer towards a purpose.  Adaptability is a gift of being completely engaged, focused, agenda-less, and flexible towards what serves others best. The way this looks is that I simultaneously I have no agenda other than to focus on my relationship with others, yet God has gifted me to ask and invite, which can be considered an agenda. There is a 'voice/story in my head' that these two are are in conflict with one another. Marty, my mentor and counselor, helped me see the beauty of these two gifts. And that if I see 'agenda' instead as having a 'commitment,' it creates opportunities to have conversations with people to share what I am committed to and enter into a more intimate space to learn their commitments. It is not about influencing, but knowing how and if inviting/asking is fitting. Boom. Mind blown.

Thanks for listening.

We are off to Creekside as Adult Guest Hosts during Janna's camp week July 1-5, and then to Black Butte in Sisters, OR for some down time.  Blogging will commence in a few weeks, hopefully with some more tasty, crunchy nuggets from Chef Jesus.     



  1. Huber- thank you for sharing your insights. Beautiful and I'm so thankful. Keep digging deep!

    1. thank you Judy, your friendship is humbling to me. we think of you as 'out of our league' friends kinda like I think of tanya as my wife. thankful to run with you guys as we both pursue Christ with all we have.

  2. Thanks my friend, I continue to pray that God draws you closer to Him

    1. thanks greenes. we deeply appreciate, enjoy and love you guys!
