TOP 10 Book Quotes from Summer Reading
#10. Desirable Difficulties –
Identify ‘Desirable difficulties’: Being aware and making others aware of one's own inabilities/weaknesses helps foster an interdependence on others' strengths in order to succeed, work together, and each to do their best. Using shortcuts and survival techniques around learning disabilities, short attention spans and dyslexia helps hyperfocus on strengths to succeed. Don't let an inability count you out. -David & Goliath-
#9. Heart and Head Must Be Captured –
For people to accept change, the change must have both an emotional appeal that connects with their heart, and an absolutely clear, specific, logical appeal. If not, people will resist. -Switch-
#8. Choose From Among Who God Chooses –

#7. His Story is Not Just History –
God is doing everything today that he has done in the Bible among those faithfully following Him in tough places. The Bible is more than a history book; He is indeed present in a broken world.
Nik interviewed persecuted Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese believers that had powerfully endured persecution and experienced miraculous deliverances, asking: "Why have you not written these stories down?” They each, individually responded, "Haven’t you read the Bible?" "It’s like the sun rising in the east. It is the way things are." Each said, "it’s expected for God to come through." -The Insanity of God-
#6. Live Forward by Reviewing Often –
1. Review my written life plan word for word.
2. Gather loose papers & notes I took. Scan it/trash it/file it.
3. Review last week’s calendar & to do list.
4. Preview upcoming week.
5. Make action list based on 4 & 5.
6. Review current projects. Add any action steps. -Living Forward- Hyatt & Harkavy
#5. Good Vision Simplifies Everything –
A good vision simplifies thousands of more detailed decisions, motivates people to take action in the right direction with a degree of autonomy, and gives people an appealing long term cause to fight for. -Leading Change- John Kotter
#4. Lostness is the Great Enemy –
The real enemy in our world is not Islam, communists or radical Muslims, it is “Lostness.” We are all susceptible to being lost. We must examine our own condition, seeing our own ongoing need for God’s grace. Then we see others the same! -The Insanity of God-
#3. Emerged Leaders are the Best Leaders –
#2. The Good News is Ir-resistible –
Acts 5:40 They had been beaten and commanded not to speak in the name of Jesus. The apostles went out from there full of joy and continued to teach unceasingly and proclaimed the good news of Jesus.” Instead of withdrawing after discouragement & resistance, may we respond with more joy and motivation with Jesus. -The Acts of the Apostles-
#1. The Deepest Truth is our Greatest Joy –
“Our deepest truth is that we are the beloved and our greatest joy and peace comes from fully claiming that truth…it is only when we have claimed our own place in God’s love that we can experience this all embracing, non-comparing love with God and brothers and sisters.”
Henri Nouwen, -Life of the Beloved-
Hope these highlights from these solid books was helpful and inspires conversations and future digs.