One from camper from Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls has been intrigued, hearing of God’s love for her and Jesus’ invitation of relationship to us. On day 4, she pulled aside her leader and asked, ‘What are the steps to start this relationship with God?’ Amazing how when kid’s eyes are opened, they begin to ask basic questions they’ve never thought to ask before.
One boy is here, from a Muslim background. Being here opened his eyes to what a relationship with God could be like. He has been actively evaluating his faith, spending time alone trying to hear God’s words to him as he has been introduced to Jesus, and getting in real talks with his leader and cabin of guys. Pray for him as he heads home, still considering God’s invitation to him through Jesus.
There is a group of Samoan guys here from Washington. They expressed that they’ve been having a hard time relating to all the people around here, with the trauma and abandonment they have experienced. Something finally related during the 'Real Life' panel, as Tanya shared about her life as a bi-racial kid with an absentee dad, on welfare, with her haunting feeling as a kid that there was not a safety net if she did not do everything right. I (Jeff) watched the three boys all catch eyes with each other, nodding their heads to one another as Tanya shared her story. Later, their leader shared how much relatable stories helped them sense that the gospel was good news to them too, not just for rich kids or those who have it easy. Thankful for how our mess can become a message.
This morning at the new believers reception, speaker Scott and crew gave out 60 bibles to kids who did not have one. This scene is where they were taught how to read it, where to start, how to have a time with God, and some of the basics of what to do when they get home and take their next steps with God. Love seeing kids come to know Jesus and take their first steps of faith. The old is gone, and there is SO much new to come (2Corinthians 5:17.)
Pray with us for Spokane. In particular, Rogers HS in the Hilllyard district of Spokane, which includes the highest level of poverty of any zip code in the state. One kid here is homeless and upon arrival, had no clean clothes in his sack (not a suitcase) he brought. Our team here washed them all for him to help him feel comfortable and clean. Let's pray for a fresh start for his soul this week as well!
So glad to be able to keep track of you all here. What powerful stories of God at work in our midst!