10. Janna entered marching band at Mead HS with a knee scooter for her broken foot from an accident while square dancing at Malibu. We weren't how it was going to worjk out. She learned extremely complicated choreography and clarinet parts quickly, her band made top 3 at multiple contests and at the end of the season, she was voted most inspirational!
9. Dietrich and a pack of friends going to North Spokane Wyldlife with Jeff as a leader, and Tanya leading Mead YL with Janna and a growing crew of sophomore girls. This has assuredly been a highlight and has promise to continue so for 2020, including both going to summer camp.
8. Spring Break: We surprised the kids with a day at Universal Studios, we enjoyed SoCal and our annual mecca in Rosarito Beach and we snapped ample pics in the Tulip fields of LaConner.
7. Dietrich’s times with friends: His bday: Virtual reality, trampoline jumping, playing Risk, watching Avengers End Game and hatchet throwing with friends felt like big wins for Dietrich. Seeing him come alive with friends is a win we do not take for granted!a
6. Our two family weeks in the summer at Suncadia (Roslyn) and Black Butte with friends. Times with other friends with kids' friends tends to be among the sweetest times for them and us. When kids all hang out, the adult's enjoyment skyrockets too. During these weeks, big prayers were prayed, many books were read, miles of running and biking were logged and big topics were journaled.
5. Finding something all four of us enjoy doing together is elusive. Jeff
and Tanya's collaborative goal was to have 30 family adventures were we
all doing the same activity.
4. Sushi together! Who would have thought we would come to Spokane to begin to appreciate sushi? Eating sushi has become one of the activities all four of us enjoy and nerd out with. Seems hardly fitting that sushi would have emerged as the #1 'adventurous' activity, but that is how we 'roll' I guess!
4. Sushi together! Who would have thought we would come to Spokane to begin to appreciate sushi? Eating sushi has become one of the activities all four of us enjoy and nerd out with. Seems hardly fitting that sushi would have emerged as the #1 'adventurous' activity, but that is how we 'roll' I guess!
3. Serving at Malibu. Tanya slayed it as camp director. Janna and Dietrich enjoyed an incredible group of teenage kids who were with us for the month too. Jeff lavished being spouse/Tanyas support and focusing on relationships and sweet times with God.
2. It was our most connected year as a couple this year. We started off in Kauai and set goals together for the year. Some we nailed, like to work out every Monday morn and do a 'check in' during it. Some not so much, like going on 25 evening dates (fell short,) stand up paddle board 15 times (only 8.) But adding to the weekly rhythms we've been forming helped and will be built upon even more for 2020.
1. The 100th Apple Blossom, where Tanya was celebrated as a past royalty, waving in the parade from the convertible and fun social engagements with dear friends and families. I never dreamed I would be someone's arm candy...but Tanya was the celebrity so I did my best supporting role I could do while she shined.
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