Bottom 5
5. Hair. I'm a glob of grease an 2 inches length away from a legit comb-over.
4. We are all doing video workouts but SOMEONE usually ends up yelling, crying and storming off.
3. Quiet times with God and solitudes at home in a confined place are not easy.
2. Helping kids with school at home and managing their stress. Wow. Eject button?
1. Fights! Fights about puppies, dishes, fairness, chores, messes and triggering each other (and who's actual fault it is for triggering/being triggered!)
Top 5
5. New inside jokes, life-long memories, family pics in an RV we rented and grit developed!
4. Video work outs all together. It was bottom 4 AND its a top 4 too.
3. Watching shows together: Parks & Rec. Brooklyn 99. Tiger King.
2. Staying connected with teammates in YL for work, yet with no travel.
1. The experience of birthing and raising 11 puppies has been an incredibly bonding experience. The birth process was the most united, bonding experience we have ever had. Janna delivered the pups and popped the sac, Tanya cut the cord and cleared the airways, Dietrich weighed them in and I did my part...I videoed the whole thing from two angles, and other helpful things too (I swear!)

I was nervous to check progress. I lost the regular rhythms and relationships but gained TIME to do what is important. I definitely have learned to now say "if the Lord wills" before every goal.
1. Say “no” to 10 ‘good’ things. (In order to say yes to best) So far 5/10.
2. 2-3 hour solitudes to pray, journal, reflect. 11 have been at home, not ideal! 19/52
3. 104 eves/days of 'no work' to read, serve, pray, play with family. 34/104 (catching up but still behind, this one is hard for me.)
4. Take 10 middle schoolers and Dietrich to YL summer camp..this will need to be creative!
5. Encourage Tanya to accomplish all HER goals. (a win for her is a win for me!)
6. Going running WITH others: 24/40 runs.
7. Big 'asks' on behalf of Young Life to reach more kids: 5/20.
8. All-4-of Us Family ‘together’ adventures: (projected to be the hardest: 30/50.
I've kept track of every 'all-fam adventure' on my 'notes' section on my iPhone:
Playing Dutch blitz. Watched 'Harriet.' YMCA workout. Breeding Charley x3. Coronavirus Brainstorm sesh. Watched: Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. YMCA workout. 3 LOTR movies on Covid19 first week. Tennis all together x3. Watched all episodes of Parks n Rec. Making a whelping box for Charley. An RV trip for Spring Break. Milton Freewater 'Polaris rides' seeing Elk. Kings Corner card games. Birthing the 11 Puppy together. Watching the Twilight series. The Hobbit series. Jogged around our neighborhood all together. Weighing, feeding, developing, and matching the puppies to new owners. Tiger King x2 & Brooklyn99 x2. Kings corner more. Making waffles, calzones and steak on Parks & Rec reunion day. Going to Manito Park on mother's day.
Blessings to you as you experience the highs, lows and have grace with yourself in 2020 goals. Its a good time to make mid-year corrections, or to add goals you thought were 'gimmes.' Tanya and I are re-adding a goal of doing a weekly 'check in' that we realized we lost when gyms shut down.
Comment with any of your top/bottom or goal check ins.
Thanks for the update. I always love reading your stuff! An unexpected high: having real, sustained conversations with my mom over the phone. An unexpected twist / learned something new about myself: I already knew I LOVE being around people all the time, but turns out I really like it when those people rotate. I even miss having complete strangers in my vicinity. I love my family, but even my favorite person in the world gets annoying quickly in a quarantine.
ReplyDeletejust saw this. love it alex! miss you already, lets talk again!