Of our group; 9 of our HS kids stood up on the last day to indicate they had made a major life and faith decision. And most others still had significant movement of healing and a do-over in their faith.
One our our guys, who was adopted from a drug abuser birth family, had been through a deeply, painful journey these past years. His sister ran away from home; one completely changed every aspect of their identity, and the other ran away from home with a bad-news boyfriends who allegedly murdered her in April. Dietrich and Jeff attended the funeral and have walked with him through this valley of the shadow of death. Jeff’s first one-on-one with the campers was with him, and it mostly comprised of his intentions to exact revenge on people responsible for the hurt he an nd his family experienced. A dark conversation indeed. All week, anger spewed, cabin times were high jacked by this angry teenager who badgered other kids as they shared. This week seemed to be on a fast track to no where.
After the camp speaker shared about what Jesus accomplished for us all on the cross, forgiveness, grace, love and justice, we were all given 15 minutes of silence to consider Gods love and even pray perhaps for the first time. We regathered after this 15 mins for cabin time. In fact, we split the cabin time for me to take him and 2 others in a separate cabin time to allow the other 7 kids to be more safe and free to share without being overwhelmed by this one angry, hurting, prickly young man.
As we started cabin time, we asked ‘what did you hear from the cross or during the 15 mins of quiet?’ Our hurting camper went first. “I felt God speak to me. He told me to forgive the murderer of my sister. To trust that vengeance is HIS not mine.’ And that a seal popped its head up and looked at him where he was sitting by the Oceanside. And God gave him A peaceful assurance that his sister is with God, that her profession of faith was accepted by God even though she had run away and made bad decisions’. He was a completely different kid, expressing a peace he’d never felt before.
The next night, after the resurrection message and 2nd 15 min quiet time, he came back and sense God’s presence and voice inviting him to trust God and forgive his other sister and his birth parents who abandoned him. What!? Then felt prompted to pray for his friend who was in our cabin time, who was full of anger and unforgiveness for his father who has deeply hurt him and contributes to his horrific mental health, to forgive his father too. Then THAT kid perked up and said reported that likely at that very moment he was being prayed for, he heard God speak to him to forgive his father and be filled with Gods peace. They were both blown away with how God moved in these past days. Two kids full of rage and empty of faith had been transformed before our very eyes.
When we split into two cabin times to create safety and room for all the kids to (hopefully!) open up, my co-leader and I agreed to let Mathias Nordstrom, a senior in HS, my first even ‘second generation YL kid’ (I led HIS dad Jeff at Everett HS 22 years ago) to lead the other 7 guys along with Dietrich as his backup. All the kids who had not felt safe to share authentically, totally opened up and fully engaged with each other. They shared about their real thoughts, doubts and desires. It was a breakthrough for each, as well as the whole group of Mead HS kids with each other.
As a bonus, helping lead cabin time was the highlight of Mathias’ (and Dietrich’s) faith journey. He had never had to lean on God like he did in leading these 2 cabin times. God moves in leaders sometimes just as much in those being led!
One girl came in with her guard up. She had a lifetime of experiences with her family, with parents who've left a sour taste in her mouth for what a life of faith is. One parent is completely relationally absent and another is fully immersed in alcohol abuse. She listened to the messages at Malibu and was blown away by what she heard and saw. Getting a clearer view of Jesus was a massive eye opener for her, that faith is not about maintaining a judgy, hypocritical religion, but about a life-giving relationship with God— this was so freeing. Before, prayer and reading the Bible and church was all so confusing because of all the hypocrisy she experienced. After a one on one with Tanya, she determined that she wanted a ‘re-do’ with God and committed to start over fresh. Such a joy to see!
Another kid had been through so much pain of unanswered prayers for an ailing parent all year and feeling incredibly lonely and isolated from having any friends. In a one-on-one conversation by the pool overlooking the Malibu rapids, a combination of attentive listening and timely words from the Lord helped him find hope. The Lord spoke into the conversation that he had been living in fear rather than knowing how to live into Gods live. I 1John 4, we learn that ‘there is no fear in love…perfect love casts out fear.’ That the constant patching himself out from growing closer to others, including God, could be approached by learning to love and receive love from God is a direction to go rather than live in fear of others, in fear of everything failing and being completely alone. He had a fresh, new outlook on enduring a challenging season of dire family health and a lack of having close friends. Continuing to pray for him and the others this week, especially the 9 kids who stood up to proclaim that God had done major transformation in their lives!
We meet this Sunday to begin following up all the steps of faith for them, and the kids who were not able to come. We will read 1 chapter of Philippians per week for the next 4 week; give them a chance to share and spur each other on in faith and create a ‘list’ of peers to begin praying for to encounter God this year and next summer too. We invite your prayers as we are in the midst of the Lord moving mountains in kids lives amidst all the have to wrestle through. God is good, am I right?!
Thank you for listening. Praying. Partnering. And finding ways in your life to bring life to others stuck in messes, tossed by storms and in need of a fresh introduction to wipe away the misconceptions of God's amazing love. You are loved; thanks for loving us.
-Jeff and Tanya-
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