One key mentor in my life, Marty Folsom, invited me to pray and listen to what God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is saying about HIS region, the Inland NW. Marty is a professor, a counselor, a theologian, a president of a seminary, leads a movement in the NW to pull key organizational leaders to work together, and an author too. When we meet, I fill at least three journal pages each visit. This time, we prayed, and I put my pen down. In this time of prayer and seeking the Lord, three statements were clear to me of what God's heart is for the Inland NW Region.
1. "I've heard you." He wants his 'people' here to know that He has heard their prayers.
2. "I am preparing to cut off and prune branches (areas, staff, volunteers) so that this region may be more fruitful (more changed lives of kids and adults.)"
3. "I desire more unity." Unity between people, within areas, between areas, between staff, and in communities that have lost trust and concern for one another.
I took these three 'words' from God to me (the leader God has clearly called....as evidenced in the past entries) as my direction and briefing of what to look for. I mean...if God really did call me....and God really has specific thoughts for his people...and He really does speak...including to me...and did...I figure(d) that I can, with confidence, follow His lead.
Since starting, I have heard SO many people say "you are just perfect for what we need." "Thank you for your input, I'd been praying for exactly THIS kind of wisdom and person to come alongside me." Another example: "I just want you to know how thankful I am for you and excited to be working under your team! I have already felt very cared for and honored by you and Tanya!!" -A (Superstar) Inland NW female staff person-
Again, I say all this not to inflate your view of me or mine of myself, but to articulate that God is real, active and is good at His job! As Rich Sweum often said, "If God can use an ass (Balaam's donkey) in the Bible to speak....then He can use us!"
I have been a part of many conversations where people have acknowledged that they sense God is trimming them, preparing for significant change in them, and preparing them and their area for significant growth. In each of these personal conversations, I say to myself "of course!" Our Father in Heaven, the gardener, has his loving shears out and is preparing his vine for a bountiful harvest of changed lives.
And lastly, for unity, I am amazed at the conversations I've had involving disunity amongst staff, areas and such. Immediately, conversations have sparked to unify these communities, and staff. Othello is heading towards joining Connell, who previously cut themselves off from one another. Ellensburg leadership is desiring to pull in previously disconnected Cle Elum/Roslyn. There are discussions of the Bi-Cities (not the actual name) becoming the Tri-Cities again, with Pasco re-joining Kennewick-Richland. Staff who have not felt 'connected' to other staff or 'that Spokane group' are gelling like never before and loving it.
These words feel weird to type about myself and what I am personally involved in, but if you are reading along with me...I am not the main character in this story. I am the reluctant side character. God is the hero in this story. It is a joy to aim to be 'best supporting actor (leader)' in His Story.
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