If God give you a wish list where you could customize the ULTIMATE 15 minute quiet time for middle school kids, what would you order? I would request lightning and thunder. Perhaps a rainbow for added emphasis of God's presence. Check it OUT in Slo-MO!! https://youtu.be/QEhXRRutVv8
During this week's 300+ campers' 15 minute quiet time, God spared no expense and brought a rainless thunder and lightning storm as kids sat and considered starting a relationship with Him.
Of the 300 kids and leaders, Walla Walla was a joy, as were Waterville & Leavenworth, the area's first time at a Wyldlife camp.

None grabbed our hearts like the Yakima Valley kids from White Swan, native kids who live in the Yakama Nation (pictured right.) It was a treasure to see each of these kids have the best week of their lives, be loved by leaders and be introduced to the person and love of God.
One girl entered into this week sharing that she has 3 fears: darkness, lightning and being in front of a crowd of people. On day 3, w
hen I welcomed kids to dinner, to a song our sound guy, David Bond selected, called 'Feel the Thunder' I enthusiastically shouted 'do you guys feel the thunder tonight?' Just then, lightning struck and all the lights went out, the dining hall when completely dark..followed by crackling thunder. Kids thought it was choreographed. Nope! Then, she went to club and was called up to participate in game in front of 300+ campers. Then, during the 15 quiet time after club, about 12 mins into it, the most massive lightning bolt we'd ever seen struck, followed by 2 more, one that started a fire on the hill. Well...in cabin time, she realized as clearly as anything she'd experienced, that God was calling her out of her fears and comfort, into a powerful life with God.

Another girl asked her leader if she can do a one-on-one time. As a new leader, she was nervous of leading the conversation. When meeting up, out of the gates, the girl shared 'I come from a family that doesn't believe in God, but I believe in Him now, and I want to start a relationship with Him. Can you help me to start it?' Wow, sure God teed her up for a first one-on-one!
Another girl at camp had the opposite feeling towards talking about God. She expressed during a one-on-one time that she did NOT want to have any conversations this week about herself or about God, and 10 minutes into the time together, she asked 'could we just be done now, please? I hate this!' The leader respectfully agreed and felt awkward and bummed the rest of the day. The next day, after club, cabin time and 15 minutes of time alone, the girl had a total change of heart. After lunch she apologized and insisted that she changed her mind and wants to talk now. They found some comfy rocking chairs and the girl insisted on sharing her complete life story, and how she was skeptical of knowing God, and how she now wants to begin praying and believing and trusting him. The leader was....well...thunderstruck by the way God opened this seemingly closed and locked door!

On a personal note, a few joys during this time I got to be camp speaker. Being with former YL leaders and kids. it has been a joy being with two of my former "FAT Fellas." (FAT=Faithful, Available, Teachable) I invested
in and gave my very best training and life-on-life practices to 12
underclassmen my last year in Everett before moving to Spokane to be
regional director. Two of them are Byron Lewellen and David Bond, who
are both here on summer staff & absolutely ROCKING it. Allen Turner, a former Cascade HS 'kid' was here as a leader and trip coordinator with NE Seattle. He was one of my "3" when he was in HS and after wandering from God years ago, returned to God with 'full send.' It's been a joy to be a monthly financial supporter of his YL part time 'student staff' position, and to see him blossom as a man of God and leader. And, Ernie Merino, a former 'YL kid' of mine my FIRST year leading YL, 20 years ago, is our camp director...which is my 'boss' here. Such a joy to see him leading our whole camp with great precision, and giving my daily feedback on my role of speaking more and more clearly. Gosh, and Brittany Francke, who Tanya and I invested in as a YL kid, a college aged leader, student staff and eventually she was on full time staff with me before ultimately taking over as area director after I moved. She serves as lead program director here and its pure joy to serve alongside of her.

Lastly, on a personal note, to be here with my kids and Tanya has been a delight. We were nervous when Dietrich expressed NOT wanting to be here, yet he has stepped in to serve, be a part of camp, star in the final scene of the opera doing 'Fortnite' dance moves, and being relationally connected.

Janna has been on stage with me for 3 club talks each week. She and I illustrate what our 'Face to Face*' relationship is designed to be like with God. Yet, she turns her back on me, and walks away through the door, slamming it, showing what we do to God when we push or leave him out of our life. Then morning 4, she comes back in, and I welcome her back, and resume the 'life to the full' I had always intended. This week in particular, a few campers came up to Janna and I, some from Waterville/Orondo, Eugene and Tacoma, sharing how much that visual meant to them. Kids shared that they figured that God was just as uninterested and disengaged as their own dads were, and that what she expressed gave them a wake up that their heavenly father felt completely different towards them. Such a sweet delight for us to help clarify God's love and posture towards us, even when we choose to go our own way and stray from him.

This morning, over 100 kids came to the new believers walk to commemorate starting their new relationship with God by writing their name and the date on a 'tile' to put in the sluice box. One kid, a Yakama tribe boy from White Swan, captured my heart. See him on the furthest left, as he puts his tile in. God gives hope to every one of us. He leaves the 99 to go after the '1, ' I think he's the ONE!
Thank you for praying. Stories are still yet untold, and are unfolding. More to come. As for now, let's join to pray for TANYA and she is making final preparations over the next 24 hours before 200ish teen moms, 200-ish mentors and an army of nannies and teammates arrive here for the YoungLives week. Miracles are ready to rumble like thunder! Let's pray!
He's a Good Good Father!
Jeff and Tanya Huber