Speaking to kids at camp with over 350-450 people, after all the efforts to get kids there, carries a high level of pressure and expectation to give the clearest, shortest, most captivating message possible. After each message, Tanya and I reflected, asking ourselves first, ‘was I faithful?’ Since ultimately sharing the good news of Jesus is HIS deal, coupled with the fact that YL camp is a ‘leader centered’ model where the speaker is there to serve them walking with THEIR KIDS, being faithful is the best question to ask.
After Tanya gave message #1, #2 and #3...each went WAY better than she expected. Lots of prayer, faithful preparation and practice went into each message, but who would know if it would connect at ALL with the teen moms?
Watching Tanya share was like watching a 5 star chef ‘throw somethin’ together for breakfast.’ Her humor, ability to connect, passion as she brought the gospel accounts of Jesus alive was so fun. After each talk, mentors and girls hugged her saying ‘thank you! Can I hug you?’

One teen mom was overheard at the pay phone with her boyfriend saying: ‘yeah, there’s this comedian chick who speaks to us, she’s like really funny and talks about God, which I don’t usually believe or listen to that stuff but i actually am really interested this time. I Wish you could hear her too.’ Nice!
Friends Lori Hein and Heather H, Kelli I and Spokane friend/YLVS leader Melissa Morasch all were delighted seeing her in sweet spot, communicating the good news to theses highly receptive girls.

(Caption: Tanya reading Luke 15, using the storybook Bible of the Father running to the lost son)

Let’s pray for these girls, their mentors, and the child care workers who faithfully hold, love, pray over, and play with the babies during club, cabin times & events.
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