Some bus-moving, breathtaking moments from this past week:
-A 7th grader named ‘Abdullah’ got on the bus after the bus had already left for camp. His Muslim father caught up with the bus, and hoped if Abdullah went to camp, perhaps the demon the dad thought was inside of him would depart. Not your typical reason a kid is sent to camp. All week, he avoided meal times, hid from his leaders, and disengaged from club. On day 4, he finally opened up to his leader. He talked for 30 mins non-stop, sharing his story of rejection from his family and having no place to call home. A highly analytical kid, he agreed to start reading the book ‘A Case For Faith/Christ’ with his leader, Ken Knott. Huge progress!

-Dietrich has been an absolute GEM. He has been so tender hearted towards us, brings team members custom-made coffees, is very kind towards other kids here, volunteers to serve in the Tin Cup ice cream shop to serve campers during free time, and even hangs out with the quiet, introverted campers. This is the same kid who begged to not come to Creekside with us.
-Dietrich has been an absolute GEM. He has been so tender hearted towards us, brings team members custom-made coffees, is very kind towards other kids here, volunteers to serve in the Tin Cup ice cream shop to serve campers during free time, and even hangs out with the quiet, introverted campers. This is the same kid who begged to not come to Creekside with us.
-Another bus story? Yep! Two brothers, Diego and Dabi, could not be reached weeks and days before camp. Their mom was in jail and they were MIA. After the bus left, the area director finally heard back from them...and picked them up, and drove hours to meet the bus at a rest stop. They came! Both were in a state of brokenness, hurt and hopelessness. By Day 4, Diego prayed with his leader to start a relationship with Jesus. His brother is warming up to! Move that bus!

-Over 200 kids stood up this morning to say they 'came home' / 'opened their door' / started a relationship with God or re-committed this wk. Quite a sight! And over 150 showed up at the New Believers Walk this morn to dedicate their life to God.
-Over 200 kids stood up this morning to say they 'came home' / 'opened their door' / started a relationship with God or re-committed this wk. Quite a sight! And over 150 showed up at the New Believers Walk this morn to dedicate their life to God.
-A girl came who stood out like a sore thumb...and walked around with a sore heart. Her Wyldlife leader prayed for her and felt the Lord give a word for her: “you’re not alone.” During cabin times and with leaders, she kept denying any problem, saying ‘I’m fine.’ Finally day 4 she shared in cabin time, 'I feel alone!' and they all prayed with her. During her one on one with her leader, confirming what the Holy Spirit had already spoke to the leader, the girl said on her own, "I know am not alone anymore." Loved that God gave a 'word' and it didn't even need to be shared. Sometimes God reminds us ' I GOT this!' when we are clueless and anxious.
-One kid signed up for camp to have a good time with friends, but was sternly warned by his athiest parents NOT to give into believing in God or religion that we may push on him. Yet the whole week, even though we shared about God, and what a relationship with him could be like, he felt zero pressure. And, God became very real to him. During the last cabin time, one of the questions was: "Where are you at with the process of A-Admitting I push/leave God out of my life B) Believe I am fully loved and C) Come Home" (as in the lost son returning to his awaiting party animal father.) He said he acknowledges and admits he clearly pushes God out, and now believes God loves him. And he is in the midst of 'C'...coming to his senses and thinking about coming home. Progress!!
God is so good. -Jeff
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