Around 250 campers from Spokane, 25 from North Idaho and 40 from Ellensburg (and more from B'ham) arrived Wednesday for our 3rd week. We are honestly still emotionally reeling in the wake of last week's heaviness. Yet, It has been a joy to see updates from home from the Kamiak and Mariner kids who are finding Jesus in the midst of the losses they experienced. God has been so GOOD, pulling them together to heal, walk out their faith after camp, and spread God's light and presence to others who weren't at Malibu. I am utterly amazed.
Hans Liezen, the new area director for South x NW Spokane, just won the 'Malibu jacket' honor, which is for the area who brings the most campers in given summer. 170 campers. Then North Spokane brought a great crew too. Being that I just moved to Spokane, I feel like I have the 'home field advantage' this week.

Acclaimed musician and friend, Brandon Heath, is here with his wife as 'yacht host' this week. I just snapped a pic of some North Idaho girls with him, Soebe his wife, and Kent. I played a round of frisbee golf with him, Kent, co-best friend Mark Hein and musician Tyson Motsenbocker. Good stuff. I asked if Brandon would sing/play his famous song 'I'm not who I was' live during cardboard testimonies this week, but he didn't want to take any attention away from what God is doing here.
Last night I stopped by some Spokane cabins to tell 'God stories' of amazing things I've seen Him do. After sharing with some Shadle Park HS kids the leader, Hunter, pulled me aside outside the cabin and expressed how perfect it was to share stories of God making himself known. These kids expressed how frustrated they were that God seemed so invisible, inactive and irrelevant to their lives. I didn't know these kids, or their frame of reference with their faith, but felt compelled to share something more 'deep' with them and I was thrilled that it hit the spot. Thanks God!

Just had an amazing conversation with a solid work crew kid, Hayden, son of one of the Inland NW Regional Board members, Keith. He wanted to talk about a lot of stuff on his mind that was taking away from his time here. I felt pressure to say the right thing or be useful. I prayed as I listened and did my best to try 'deep listening' like one of my mentors, Marty Folsom, taught me. As he shared, I heard what was at the depth of his heart in the midst of his frustrations. "It sounds to me like you are committed to connectedness and relationships and you're not able to experience this as the lone ranger garbage boy.'" This was exactly what he was wrestling with. It was a joy to have helped simply by listening and saying what I felt like I heard. That is all that was needed. Sometimes we just need to have someone else listen and 'name' what has hijacked our mind. I know I appreciate that!
We received two cases of care packages for our Inland NW staff and the WC too from Spokanites, Bill and Garry Sperling. Such a great refresher for us. Notes, gifts and thoughts are nice motivators.
Such a joy to see Jeffrey Chambers (and Lizzy), Marne, Michelle, and even our program team, featuring Spokane staff person, KJ, here with his 'people' this week. We are in our element. Praying for big things in kids lives. Pray with us. And, pray that God gives you the confidence that whatever way or moment God gives you to serve and impact others, that you trust He is in it with you!
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