Later that night of Day 4, we had a Malibu themed night where they got to dress in Olympics attire, eat a festive spaghetti dinner, sing their hearts out, rush off to a high energy, creative, 'opera' and then transition into a square dance, Virginia Reel, and epic dance party that was so hyped up, the crowd of 411 campers broke a beam/post while jumping. The highlight of this all was that the hurting, grieving kids had a chance to sing, laugh, play, dance and experience joy in the context of the love of God here. Leaders were in shock, yet in praise of God, seeing the kids feeling the freedom to dance.
These kids have a tough road ahead as they head home, yet there's no better place we can imagine these kids being to process such pain. Pray with us that they would cling to the hope that God is alive, the Holy Spirit is available to comfort them, and that the love and grace of Jesus will fill their hearts. And to echo long time Mukilteo teacher, pastor, coach and YL leader Vic Alinen...
"Praying that the Holy Spirit will bring a spiritual revival that brings clarity to who the real Jesus is and (that HE) brings good in and out of ALL things." May a revival of the urgency of life, love and life in God in the live of OUR kids spark a new beginning. In Mukilteo, and all over our state, in the NW and in our country. Come Lord Jesus, come. Be our hope.

Last note, it was a pleasure to see a camper from Lake Oswego, 'Jimmy,' who is recovering from brain cancer, get to know Everett kids, especially Elijah and Bogdan. Despite that he walks with a hobble due to losing motor skills, they warmed up to him and his story. I asked them to go to bed as they were sitting up on some rocks near Sitka cabins, and they said 'we are having 'real talk', can we have 10 more mins. I reluctantly acquiesced, fearing I was losing my 'authority' as a head leader, but came back to find them all praying together, in fact, it was Jimmy praying for these guys. What a beautiful picture. A brain cancer survivor who has received comfort from God, sharing ALL he had with some great young men who deeply appreciated the perspective and prayer.
Doesn't matter who were are, what we've been through, how qualified we are. We ALL can help young people find hope. It is worth the time, money (or lack of money), and energy. He is worthy, his Kingdom is worth it.
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