A camper from Lakewood (South Tacoma) got up early for coffee and noticed something peculiar. A group of leaders were sitting around Hamiltons and the pool deck reading bibles...by themselves.... writing in journals. He ran back to ask his leader Justin: "What is going on with all these leaders? What are they doing?" He had never seen anything like this. It was a great set up for Justin to explain the practice of reading the bible, having a quiet time with God, and journaling. Thanks leaders!
A kid from Kittitas HS has been visibly disengaged from this week. Arms folded, uninterested, and refusing to try new things like cabin rides and all camp events. At our night 4 dance party, it starts with a square dance. Kicking and screaming, his leader Jason insisted he joins the dance. As he was paired off, the summer staffers linked his hand with a beautiful, positive, beaming, joyful Wenatchee girl. I'll spare you the details, but if you have never danced with a Wenatchee girl, just know, it has the gravity to change the rest of your week! This young man danced the night away and has been engaged in all things Malibu ever since! I know the way God can use a Wenatchee girl. I married one!

A large group from Bothell came. These are the athletes, the partiers, and a crew of overly confident guys that YL is criticized/noted for reaching so successfully...and I'm glad we do! During the night 4 dance party, the guys were all-in, danced up into a frenzy and had the night of their lives. As they were going to bed, they had an all cabin conversation of what the contrast was between THIS night, were no substances were consumed, no person ended up getting used or carried home, yet the level of joy, laughter, and relational fulfillment they experienced. These guys learned what CS Lewis said: "Joy is the serious business of heaven." Their leaders knew this planted a HUGE seed in their lives.
Early Day 5, before Kent (he was back night 3 after his broken nose) shared the message of the cross, Wayland had one on ones with a few of his guys to hear how they are tracking with God this week. Each of them surprised him as he asked. Two of them specifically said, "How can I start this relationship with God that I've been missing? Can you help me start it?" Wayland said what any of us would say, while smiling and covertly pumping their fist: "Yep! Let's DO this!"
Tanya and I did get our paddleboard date in the Princess Louisa inlet. Two seals did indeed join us for a double date. Good times!

Great conversations and transformations are all around here. In fact, last night during the 15 minute all-camp quiet, a kid who did not know God felt his presence and spoke to God for the first time. When we are praying, being intentional to share the good news of Jesus, where we earn the right to be heard and give young people the opportunity to respond. Praying for more changed lives this week as well as all year long as leaders continue to reach new kids and go deeper with these that have come to camp this year. We were made for this. Consider how you could join us in reaching more kids.
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