Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Huber Personal Top 10 for 2019


Top 10 for the Hubers in 2019

10. Janna entered marching band at Mead HS with a knee scooter for her broken foot from an accident while square dancing at Malibu. We weren't how it was going to worjk out. She learned extremely complicated choreography and clarinet parts quickly, her band made top 3 at multiple contests and at the end of the season, she was voted most inspirational!

9. Dietrich and a pack of friends going to North Spokane Wyldlife with Jeff as a leader, and Tanya leading Mead YL with Janna and a growing crew of sophomore girls. This has assuredly been a highlight and has promise to continue so for 2020, including both going to summer camp.

8. Spring Break: We surprised the kids with a day at Universal Studios, we enjoyed SoCal and our annual mecca in Rosarito Beach and we snapped ample pics in the Tulip fields of LaConner.

7. Dietrich’s times with friends: His bday: Virtual reality, trampoline jumping, playing Risk, watching Avengers End Game and hatchet throwing with friends felt like big wins for Dietrich. Seeing him come alive with friends is a win we do not take for granted!a

6. Our two family weeks in the summer at Suncadia (Roslyn) and Black Butte with friends. Times with other friends with kids' friends tends to be among the sweetest times for them and us. When kids all hang out, the adult's enjoyment skyrockets too. During these weeks, big prayers were prayed, many books were read, miles of running and biking were logged and big topics were journaled.

5. Finding something all four of us enjoy doing together is elusive. Jeff and Tanya's collaborative goal was to have 30 family adventures were we all doing the same activity.

4. Sushi together! Who would have thought we would come to Spokane to begin to appreciate sushi? Eating sushi has become one of the activities all four of us enjoy and nerd out with. Seems hardly fitting that sushi would have emerged as the #1 'adventurous' activity, but that is how we 'roll' I guess!

3. Serving at Malibu. Tanya slayed it as camp director. Janna and Dietrich enjoyed an incredible group of teenage kids who were with us for the month too. Jeff lavished being spouse/Tanyas support and focusing on relationships and sweet times with God.

2. It was our most connected year as a couple this year. We started off in Kauai and set goals together for the year. Some we nailed, like to work out every Monday morn and do a 'check in' during it. Some not so much, like going on 25 evening dates (fell short,) stand up paddle board 15 times (only 8.) But adding to the weekly rhythms we've been forming helped and will be built upon even more for 2020.

1. The 100th Apple Blossom, where Tanya was celebrated as a past royalty, waving in the parade from the convertible and fun social engagements with dear friends and families. I never dreamed I would be someone's arm candy...but Tanya was the celebrity so I did my best supporting role I could do while she shined.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jeffs Young Life Regional Top Ten of 2019

This is my top ten list of Young Life highlights that hang with my soul months later as I reflect back on a year of God's faithfulness. If you want my bottom ten, it'll cost you a beer, but I'll fess up!

10. Brewster and Bill! Our regional YL staff teammate, Bill Dooley, has been consistently meeting, praying with and supporting the efforts of a group of adults in Brewster, WA on the Columbia River. The past few months, after lots of meeting but little dynamic stirring, the adults started pulling kids together and something big is sparking that is leading to Young Life starting there, and a committee chair came forward, an essential part to ensure hundreds of kids here will be known, prayed for and introduced to Jesus.

9. "No way Jose'" kids. Tanya and other leaders and I used to have a 3 columned list of kids we prayed to come to camp. The 3 columns were: Surely Shirley. Maybe Baby and No Way Jose'.  YL is positioned to encourage the latter two columns of kids to come. Two no way Jose' kids came to Malibu with TJ from Leavenworth HS. Both proclaimed they were 'Athiest' and pushed back on everything at camp from club, to cabin time to quiet times. Yet by the end of the week, it was a combination of those three, along with the way their leader, TJ, reflected the love of Jesus, they both stood up at Say-So starting a new relationship with God!

8. Power Women! This year, strong women were given opportunities to step up and they thrived. Two of our staff, CJ and Tanya, served as month-long camp directors for WFR and Malibu. Both slayed it. Three of our largest financial gifts (10K) were written by women. Our new regional admin, Amber Bonetti, is a butt-kicker, as is YoungLives coordinator Cassie Coats, fiercely creating new possibilities for YLVS coordinators across the region. New hires, Stephanie Bugas, (Walla Walla) Kate McGinnis (Missoula) and Tanita Maddox (ARD) top the list of new-to-us-power-women. Many committee chairs making the biggest waves are dynamic women. The list goes on...and women rose strong in 2019!

7. Muslim family, alive in Christ. I cannot say their names, for safety, but a family of kids in Spokane both experienced the power and deep love of God this summer. One met Christ 2 summers ago at Malibu and prayed her little brother would later come and experience the same. He did, and now both know Jesus and their lives will never be the same (see an earlier blog entry for more.)

6. "I'm still standing." Been a tough year, but staff are still standing! This year a few staff whom I love had tough sledding. Financially, emotionally, feeling alone, etc. Three are dear to me. For me to be in leadership and see them struggle and suffer on a heart level, I ached with them. As the year has progressed, seeing God's people rise up alongside them and to see the Spirit carry them through...it is a highlight. Although if I had a magic wand, I would gladly do away with the pain.

5. Hey Jeffrey! Our staff person, Jeffrey Chambers, who's past life has been filled with pain and poverty, has thrived while serving in Tri-Cities area, alongside Steve Vollmer. This summer he was asked to speak at WFR-Creekside. He had typical first week jitters, yet the last two weeks he served wonderfully and will speak again this summer. ALSO, he applied to be the next lead area director for Tri_Cities, after years of believing he's only a second-in-change kind of guy, he was just chosen to be hired as the #1 guy. His tears of joy!

4. Year of the matching gift.  I haven't participated in a 'matching gift' campaign for a few years. But this year...took the all-time cake, for me.  We reached a 45K campaign in September.  And at our 'Art and Wine' Auction in April, we had a 10K match. Both put us in reach of hiring an associate regional director for the Inland NW region. Big time response by our supporters; impact ahead! AND...we were JUST offered ANOTHER 25K match for this year end, by December 31st.

3. Our regional vision has been for our leaders to build relationships with 35,000 kids a year.  The highest we got to was 27,500 and we have stalled.  In October, Inland NW region merged with Montana/North Wyoming and wouldn't you know it...their leaders' total relationships with kids joined with ours and we subsequently reached our 35,000 'kids known by name and prayed for' goal! Time for a NEW GOAL for 2020-2025.

2. YoungLives. Last Sept I shared that it was my worst month ever on YL staff. YLVS in Spokane came unraveled and I stepped in to make tough calls. Since then it has been pulled together. Its in a drastically new season of flourishing. Building upon legendary work of Shauna, Linda and co had established, YLVS has truly begun reaching new heights through the leadership of Melissa, Niki (and Cassie) in partnership with their supportive areas. '19 saw incredible impact in the lives of teen moms across Spokane.
1. Our region hired two Associate Regional Directors: Tanita Maddox and Jim Stuck. After almost two years of deliberating, we made the decision as a board, inspired by those who gave generously. This new direction is God’s way of answering our prayer for growing deeper in faith, reaching more kids and experiencing greater health among our staff. So...giddy up, 2020+!

Part B to #1 is the addition of Senior Associate RD, Keith Dow. He leads Montana/N Wyoming areas and is already among my most synergistic teammates I have ever served alongside. He is wildly gifted and will bring tremendous blessing to the whole Mountain West Region and to me.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Montana/N Wyoming is Joining the Inland NW Region

As I begin the fifth year of being regional director here in the Inland NW (Central & Eastern WA and North Idaho,) we have been asked by Young Life to combine with the Montana/N Wyoming Region. We are one new region together. The wisdom is to leverage the resources, strengths, expertises and slim down leadership to be simpler, more focused and not need two regions to fund and lead, but one that is better together.

If you know me, you know i am a sucker for a good brainstorm. Actually, if you know me, you know that I never leave brainstorming mode. Those gifted with 'critical thinking' skills know to slap me and splash my face with cold water to clarify that we are NO longer brainstorming. With that in mind, here are some brainstormed ideas! 

Gold Rush Region
Mountain West Region
"Washington Family Region"  
Big Sky Northwest
Lewis & Clark Trail Region
Deeper Wider Longer 
Greater NW Big Sky
Basalt and Light 
The Great Northwest 
Triple Threat (this used to be 3 regions...obviously this is a joke)
Northern Skies
Greater Northwest Skies
Greater Northwest Big Sky
Inland Big Sky
Big Ass Region
The Glacier and its Carnage
'Gods Country'
Blue Sky Region
Wild West region
Wild Wild Country! (see Netflix special series) 
Brewster to Billings
Cascades to Dakota
Cougars, Bulldogs, Bobcats and Grizzlies, Oh My!
1/4 of America region
'We ain't City Slickers'
Endless Region
14 Hour Drive Region
Inland NW Big Yellowsky Panhandlers
Rivers Mountains and Lakes for DAYS Region
'No Traffic' Region
Inland NW Big Sky

Any more?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Are You Kidding Me, God?"


These are the last and arguably most wow-like God stories to share. Thank you for your prayers and leaning in with us as we served at Malibu (Tanya, as 1st time camp director)

A tough Latino girl was here this week at Malibu...she lived in Texas with her siblings and mom, but her dad was imprisoned. Had to move around a lot because her mom worked for a Mexican drug lord, El Chapo. They ended up moving to Mexico. There, one day, she and her siblings were playing and she pushed one of her brothers off the bed. The fall took a tragic turn, resulting his death from the injury. Her mom was so angry, she exclaimed she would never talk to her again. The next day her mother was arrested (unrelated cause) and the kids were sent to an orphanage in Guadalajara. 

Later on, she was adopted by a family in Woodinville. She got into trouble and the adoptive family dissolved the adoption (this part of the story made her cry as she shared it with me.)
So, a dear family in Woodinville took her in and offered to send her to Malibu. She made it clear to all that she didn't believe in God but would go. She thought, 'I have such a crappy life, how could there be a God?' In her orphanage, she was force-fed religion and resented all of it.

After I (Tanya) shared my story during 'Real Life' she connected with me, relating to part 1 and 2 of my life story about my absentee Mexican dad, growing up in Wenatchee in poverty/welfare and being turned off by the supposed 'wonderful plan' God had for my crappy life. 

Another breakthrough for her was a great convo with her leader, who explained how we all (including her parents) have free choice; that God doesn’t just ‘do stuff TO’ us. For the first time, she could see that God is for her. Her leader asked, "Do you believe in God, Jesus and his love for you?" She answered, "yes." When she realized that it was the religion she had rejected all along, and that she could start a relationship with God now, she described that her 'throat relaxed', and it was the first time she ever felt she could 'really, actually breathe.' On the last night, she stood up at say-so and committed her life to God, saying on the mic "I am now a part of GOD'S family." 414 campers heard and cheer, but had no idea the depth behind her story. Wow, God, are you kidding me?!

Another 'WOW'!
A young man from Gonzaga prep also really resonated with my story.  He has felt alone for so long, as he is adopted from Asia, and has carried unanswered questions about his value as a person in this life.  While on the ropes course, he told me he appreciated my story. I remembered him during Q&A from the crowd. When the host, Scott, asked the crowd what they thought I was chasing after instead of God to fill me life, he shouted out the word, 'confirmation.' I had never thought of my own pursuit of wanting to feel confirmed/affirmed, but it felt true.

Leavenworth boys
Then, after the third 'Real Life' session and cardboard testimonies, through tears, he and his leader, Stewart, prayed and he accepted Christ into his life. At say so, he said, "this week I joined God's family and now I am no longer alone." He was at the new believers experience and told me his story.  What an articulate and appreciative young man.  I have a feeling this young man will do great things for the kingdom of God.  He is smart as a whip and his face is BEAMING with the love of God in his life. 

Feast of the UnLeavenworth
Two boys from Leavenworth were resistant to God all week. They were hung up on how much ‘religion’ has done to divide and hurt our world. As the gospel became more clear, as their cabin times with TJ brought more understanding, and quiet times allowed Jesus to speak to them, they both took the mic at Say So to say they decided to follow Jesus (relationship, not religion.) 

                                                                                            A Final, Mind-blowing WOW!
A work crew girl here, whom we shared about 4 posts ago, from a muslim family, took great courage to be involved with YL in Spokane and follow Jesus. Her home town came up this last week, North Central HS, which one of the campers was her little brother, Ali. She has been praying for him ever since she became a Christian. He loved camp and the messages, and made a special bond with the camp doctor. He sat beside him during songs and the message. Scott, our speaker, shared John 10:10. Ali asked Dr. Deon for a pen, then wrote John 10:10 on his arm, exclaiming that he really liked it.  Then, later that night Ali stood up at say-so and proclaimed that he is now a part of Jesus' family.  His sister was there to witness it. We are delighted that Ali and his sister can continue their relationships with Jesus at home-- together.  It will take great courage for them to continue to grow. Unlike so many of us, they are risking everything to follow Jesus. They have a great support team in their YL family, Jenna and Kolby, were on our assignment team, as well as Gio, the cabin leader who brought Ali to camp.

Please continue to hold these kids and all the kids who encountered Jesus up in prayer and join me in giving glory to God!

Do want a little more details?  Let us know, email or text Jeff.

-Jeff and Tanya-

Monday, August 5, 2019

On the 3rd Day, Freeman kids and Guac O Clock

A seven day YL camp like Malibu is designed to allow kids a chance to process the gospel with enough information to be able to say 'I'm in' or 'No thanks' (not yet) by day 6. Well...day 3 we had our first two kids here say 'yes' to start a relationship with God. Both Spokane girls heard our speaker share how we fill our lives with and chase things other than God, hoping they will fulfill us in a way only God designed for us to experience. One sobbed through the entire cabin time, and when called upon, she expressed this was what she had been trying to figure out for years and is ready. The other was more matter of fact, articulating to her leader that she had always had been close but never knew how to actually start living into a relationship with God. Jesus’ invitation to do life fully with God and not live all for oneself is really good news to teenagers.

Kids from Freeman HS are pictured here, dressed like M&Ms. Freeman is where the school shooting took place a year and a half ago, many of these girls were in the hallway in view of the horrific event. They are encountering Jesus amidst all the trauma they’ve been through. Thankful for Makinzie, Mary and Ernie who teamed up to make sure these kids can be kids, find Jesus amidst their trauma and rediscover hope and future. Praying the same for young people in El Paso, Dayton and Gilroy who also endured a mass shooting. Jesus draw near to those who've seen the worst.

Ever heard of "Guac O'clock?" It is ANYTIME guacamole is served. As part of Tanya’s Latina roots,  is the passio for making guacamole for guests, alongside Janna. Bringing the assignment team together with guac is a way that Tanya, as camp director, has aimed to serve with excellence. Here’s a time lapse of guac o’clock: https://youtu.be/MWbFICYg_cw

The next two days, kids will hear how Jesus gave his life that we could fully live knowing we are loved and having no barrier between us and God, and that he is alive and well. Kids get two 15 minute time of quiet to sit, listen, pray and consider Gods offer to them. Pray!

In fact, after I posted this, during the 15 min time, this scene of Spokane kids from Rogers and North Central kids who climbed up on the rooftop of the Totem Inn. Reminds me of the gospel story of the four friends taking their paralytic friend up on the roof to try to get get them in up close and in front of Jesus. Success. And side note, the mountains in the background is a spot where I first heard God speak to me when I was on a Beyond Malibu hiking trip. Word of God speak!

An update from previous prayer requests...camp director Tanya's and musician Maddie's voices are much better, and they are gaining strength by the day. Janna's broken foot is a bummer but her resilient spirit is keeping her trucking along and fully engaging with campers and the team here. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tattoos, Impact of Suicides, and New Believers at Malibu

We just had the grand arrival of our most eagerly awaited week: Spokane (North and South/NW), Spokane Valley, Leavenworth, Yakima/Selah, and Bellingham. Wanted to share some highlights from this past week with Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls, West Linn and Olympia here.

A female camper was icing her head with a visible tattoo. One of our leaders here, asked about the tattoo, making conversation. She shared the story of the tattoo, and it was to honor her brother who committed suicide and left a deep sadness for her. As it turns out, the leader who initiated the conversation happened to have a brother who took his own life too. A sweet conversation of connection and healing took place that next while on the bench on Malibu Main Street. Incredible how God orchestrates healing with JUST the right person in unexpected moments. 

A student from North Idaho lost their father, a high profile leader in CDA, to suicide last year. Coming from a family that does not believe in God, it truly was miraculous that he signed up for camp. After Molly Starch, N. Idaho Area Director shared her faith story using both sides of a piece of cardboard, that she was abandoned by both of her parents committing suicide yet adopted into God's family (see picture), this boy broke down crying, finally having a release of emotions after trying to stuff them down for the past year-plus. Right afterwards, he and his leader had a long one-on-one talk on a bench facing Desolation Island at Malibu, discovering for the first time that God does not abandon us, leave us desolate, and offers a hope and a future and life to the full even if parents did not. 

One from camper from Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls has been intrigued, hearing of God’s love for her and Jesus’ invitation of relationship to us. On day 4, she pulled aside her leader and asked, ‘What are the steps to start this relationship with God?’ Amazing how when kid’s eyes are opened, they begin to ask basic questions they’ve never thought to ask before.

One boy is here, from a Muslim background. Being here opened his eyes to what a relationship with God could be like. He has been actively evaluating his faith, spending time alone trying to hear God’s words to him as he has been introduced to Jesus, and getting in real talks with his leader and cabin of guys. Pray for him as he heads home, still considering God’s invitation to him through Jesus. 

There is a group of Samoan guys here from Washington. They expressed that they’ve been having a hard time relating to all the people around here, with the trauma and abandonment  they have experienced. Something finally related during the 'Real Life' panel, as Tanya shared about her life as a bi-racial kid with an absentee dad, on welfare, with her haunting feeling as a kid that there was not a safety net if she did not do everything right. I (Jeff) watched the three boys all catch eyes with each other, nodding their heads to one another as Tanya shared her story. Later, their leader shared how much relatable stories helped them sense that the gospel was good news to them too, not just for rich kids or those who have it easy. Thankful for how our mess can become a message.

This morning at the new believers reception, speaker Scott and crew gave out 60 bibles to kids who did not have one. This scene is where they were taught how to read it, where to start, how to have a time with God, and some of the basics of what to do when they get home and take their next steps with God. Love seeing kids come to know Jesus and take their first steps of faith. The old is gone, and there is SO much new to come (2Corinthians 5:17.)

On a personal note, Dietrich, who often struggles to find joy and connection at places like YL camps, insisted on working at the Totem Inn, the ice cream store here. It was a joy to see him being involved, hands on, serving kids as they meet Jesus.

Pray with us for Spokane. In particular, Rogers HS in the Hilllyard district of Spokane, which includes the highest level of poverty of any zip code in the state. One kid here is homeless and upon arrival, had no clean clothes in his sack (not a suitcase) he brought. Our team here washed them all for him to help him feel comfortable and clean. Let's pray for a fresh start for his soul this week as well! 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Solid Say-So Stories and N. Idaho YL here

'Say-So' Shout Outs!

Say-so, the gathering on the last night where kids pass the mic to share if they made a significant decision of faith during the week, was powerful. Of the 350+ campers, over 100 kids stood up. One camper this week had been wrestling with gender uncertainty. She self-identified to be in a female cabin. All week she tried out going by her preferred 'male' gender name. No matter, he/she was loved deeply and accepted by all. As they listened to the message of Jesus, the good news of being loved, belonging 'with' God, and having full access to God and all He has in store, SHE responded. As the mic went around at say-so, she introduced herself as her female name and shared she found herself in God and has 'come home' (reference to Luke 15.)

Of the 100 more, there was Takalina and Danny from Lynnwood, each 'finally' decided after years of resisting God, to finally follow Jesus. Maddie from Hood River exclaimed being excited for this new life in Jesus. Fabian decided to finally open up and live for Jesus instead of for himself. Padey expressed thankfulness to her leaders and those who served at camp who helped her finally be ready to connect with God and receive his love. Big tough 'Brandon', through tears, proclaimed that his life has been saved by God numerous times in the past, and he is finally going to live for the one who keeps saving me.  
Janna is back at Malibu, broken foot and all, with an amazing attitude!

One more highlight is quite a bit deeper. Rewind back to our first night here, before any campers had arrived, when Tanya led the whole camp on a prayer walk, which included praying for every cabin and the kids who will inhabit them the coming week. Elizabeth a Summer Staff girl, prayed with Tanya outside one of the Nootka cabins. She felt led to pray specifically for one girl, one of course that had no idea who it was. She felt God prompt her that there is a girl coming who has really been 'in a dark place and very lost'. They said 'amen' knowing full well that they may never know if this prayer would be revealed to be true or just a feeling. Well, fast forward to the end of the week, at say-so. One girl from Portland West, got the mic and said “I was in a dark place and very lost for a lot of years and this week, I finally gave my life to Jesus." Elizabeth caught eyes with Tanya and with tears and a crystal clear certainty only the Holy Spirit brings, that THIS WAS THE EXACT GIRL WE PRAYED FOR! (Insert chills) 

Tanya welcoming leaders, Day 1, along with Marcus E and Dooley

Our team is gelling well, Tanya has served with excellence as camp director, alongside a solid team, including Head Leaders, Bill Dooley and Marcus Eiland, from our region. And also from Spokane, Kolby Schoenrock on program, my running partner and friend, and work crew bosses, the Linquists too.

And...North Idaho is here this week. A great group of 50+ guys and girls, including Area Director Molly Starch who brought my Cheez-Its, and Natalie from Post Falls YL and P/T staff Braden and Mekole too. 

Lastly, the teenage children from our assignment team families continue to bond well. This pic below is the biggest game of Apples to Apples I've ever seen. :) 

Next week all our Spokane and Spokane Valley friends, as well as Yakima/Selah and Leavenworth who will be here. Excited!

Thanks for listening and praying!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Malibu Week 1: Broken, broken, and Unbroken!

Hi Friends! We're just finishing up Malibu week #1. Dietrichs thriving, Tanya too.

On Day 6 (today) I had to take Janna out on a water taxi to Sechelt, BC to the emergency room for an x-ray on her foot. She rolled her ankle, breaking her 5th metatarsal bone, during...the (non-treacherous) Virginia Reel dance, while sachay-ing down and back. After breaking it, she kept dancing, not wanting the experience to end abruptly. She's such a little warrior.

A powerful element during the week has been 'Real Life.' This is a panel of four, that shares moments of their lives in HS and leading up to HS. These four brave folks on our team here share honestly and with vulnerability about the hard things they walked through, which helps our 375+ high school friends to have an example that a) they are not alone and others have gone through hardships b) God is able to transform our broken stories in powerful ways and c) helps campers to open up about their stories with their leader and friends. Tanya shares about her growing up without presence or affirmation from her father, and the pressure of succeeding as a mixed race girl struggling to be 'seen' and to be a success. Others share of overcoming betrayal from parents and friends and the struggle to find faith amidst pain. One teammate, Maddie Z, shares of making it deep into Americal Idol only to be dropped in a late round, and plummeting her back into an even deeper depression that temporary popularity could not fulfill. Kids are really processing deeply, excited to share specific stories of kids.


One girl here at Malibu, from a Middle Eastern country and a really broken, tough life story, had been describing some never-before-feelings she’d been having here, during cabin times and the 15 min quiet times. She shared of hearing a voice that seemed like the way God has been described. Some ways that she has heard this voice: a) realizing clearly as to how she has pushed God away (realizing sin) from her b) receiving comfort from her many fears she's struggled with, c) feeling a sense of forgiveness like never before, d) feeling ‘led’ to share things she would not normally with others, e) feeling a peace she can’t explain. She had known of God growing up, addressing Him as Allah, but never feeling any closeness or relationship. As she shared her experiences with her leader, her leader showed her in the Bible where Jesus describes the Holy Spirit who is fully available to all who would receive God. This sweet girl realized that she was hearing and recognizing it was God, personally pursuing her. The Holy Spirit, as described in John 14 and 16 (and many other places) lined up to this new experience. Isn't that SO God! Personally speaking to a girl who had not known God in a personal way, she went from a broken young lady to 'unbroken' spirit. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound."

And...both kids got to be in the epic Malibu 'Opera' on night 4, look closely and you'll see Janna in the middle/right in pink, dressing as a main character from the week, and Dietrich is dressed at a maple leaf. Here's a short video clip of it, only to be shared with you, don't share this to those from Everett/Mill Creek, Spokane or Wenatchee, Walla Walla, Tonasket and Leavenworth who are still coming in the next few weeks. :)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

God moments for ‘us’ and ‘them’

God sightings so far. 

Tanya continues to thrive, as she leads well alongside of this talented team we have here. Twice yesterday, people here stopped her and said during their morning prayer time that God wanted her to know how deeply loved she is, and how God delights in her. 

Don’t you love how God can get something across to us? 

A girl from Lynnwood introduced herself, sharing she was at Creekside camp last year when I spoke. She remembers ‘everything’ and appreciated how Janna was an object lesson and how I knocked at her door on the stage and she finally opened it, and hugged me, like how Jesus knocks on our door and we can open it, and open our life to God. Fun to see how the seed planted last year is still growing in one kid! 

Marcus, one of our head leaders, took one on one time to connect with a camper here who self professes they are Satanic. It’s a joy to listen to, spend time with and express value to every kid regardless of any uniqueness. I’m glad that when I was an early teen and did not want anything to do with God, people like Dick Conner, a NW University student named Tony Cloud and others reached out to me too. Praying! 

I pulled together some of the kids here for the month for a cabin time after club day 2. Dietrich called it ‘manpaigners’. (Like YL’s ‘campaigners’). The speaker, Scott Didrickson, shared about the adoption of their daughter from an orphanage in Ghana. I asked these boys, first, who they know who is adopted, and how ‘adoption’ relates to God’s love for us. 

One boy, 11 years old, shared about how a kid in an orphanage is lost, doesn’t know if they belong or are fully accepted, like we feel until God takes us in and we experience all those things we didn’t have.’  Nice insight, kid!  Then Dietrich, 13, shared something I never thought of. He explained, ‘God’s adopting and love for us is like the story Jesus told, where the two men walked past the man who was beaten, robbed and left unconscious. They are like the parents who couldn’t or wouldn’t keep their kids they had, or like those around who did not help the child who was born. Yet God’s love is like the 3rd person, the Samaritan man who helped him, took him in, used their money and care to restore him. That’s like how I think God adopting us is like. He takes us in no matter what condition we are, to be with him instead of on our own, ignoring or avoiding us.’  Uh....yep. Think he pretty much nailed it.
Dietrich also jumped in to help run a field games station (see Dietrich, pointing, below), giant Jenga, along with Conor Dooley. 30 groups of HS came through. He helped lead like a champ. I didn’t see that coming! 

Praying for the campers to have a powerful week...A
and for those of us serving too. Sometimes the message is for the messengers too! 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Kids arrive: this never gets old!

Seeing 375 high school aged campers and their leaders exit the Malibu Princess boat never gets old. I tried to pray for every single one as they enthusiastically ran up the camp and into camp. God is more excited for them than they have any clue, so the ‘welcome’ always feels like a foretaste of heaven. Here’s a time lapse of the welcome 

 Join us this week praying for kids from Lynnwood-Terrace, Hood River, Issaquah, Eugene and a few others.

Before campers arrived, Tanya, serving as camp director, addressed the entire team of work crew, summer staff, leadership (“A”) team and property staff, inviting them to pull together to grasp how high wide long and deep the love of God is for them, and then extend it to over 1,300 campers over 4 weeks. After speaking in the breathtaking new Malibu club room, Sequoia, she invited them to go on a prayer walk to pray-pare their hearts. She is slaying it.

One guest, the Yacht Host, Tom Culp, overflowed with nostalgia today. He shared that 50 years ago today, the sound was hooked up to the radio in the dining hall so all the campers could listen to the broad-cast of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking a ‘small step’ of the first moon walk. I can tell already, this week and month will be out of this world. 

And PS, Janna and a crew of 7 other teenage girls have immediately bonded and formed a small group for the month. Amazing. And Dietrich is already diving right in.  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pre-Malibu Pics and Prayers


We are on our way to Malibu. On our way we made an interesting stop.

Backstory, at our YL region Art and Wine Auction In April, a live item was a photo shoot with pets. Well...in true Eastern WA style, the winning bidder requested family pics with their family cow and goat. Janna is less a goat whisperer than she is with dogs, but she handled it like a champ. It was a fun adventure together for sure. 

Wake Surfing...
Before we headed to Malibu landing this morning, we stopped at Lake Stevens to take a ride on our friends, Casey and Alyssa’s boat. I ended up attempting to wake surf. I don’t know if I quite got it but surfed a few times without the rope, but like a Pharisee, I lacked a sense of ‘grace.’ Wasn't pretty, but it was a great way to start our journey this month.  

Border 'Non'-Issues
If you’ve followed Tanyas issues getting a passport, and our past troubles at the border when traveling to Malibu, you’d know how much prayer surrounded our border crossing...and it was apparent as it took, no joke, 3 minutes from getting in line to entering the land of maple and ketchup potato chips! 

Prayer Team

We invite your prayers for the next few weeks. Pray for Tanya’s leadership and the assigned team who will serve 4 weeks of over 1,300 high school aged campers from all over the NW. And pray for our family to bond with our other families here, with each other, and with God. That WE would be different when we leave, just like we pray for the campers to. We will share updates the next few weeks on here, stay tuned!  

Are you in with us? 

Jeff and Tanya

Sunday, February 24, 2019

YL Dominican Republic Dominated Me!

Just got back from a 5 day trip to the D.R. with staff in the Young Life NW Division. VP Lindsey Patchell, International Senior V.P Marty Caldwell & an anonymous donor invited the RDs and spouses, to experience from what the Lord is doing in Latin America Vida Joven (YL.)

Wanted to share 8 deep impressions of what dominated my heart and mind while in the DR that we will be marinatin' and percolatin' on for a while. You'll see in these video clips and pics will include elements of the 8 impressions below.
   *Especially this summary video I compiled from our trip.
   *Also, to see scenes from the D.R., here's my google drive folder with 6 video clips from the D.R.
YL club, including a hilarious walk on, melodrama skit, music, a rap and club talk (en Espanol.)
8. Joy, fun, and laughing are forms of bonding between us that transcend all differences. Lucky for me...because people laugh all the time at me. But really, smiles translate!
7. Money and joy are not directly related. Folks here have SO little financially. Yet the people we met here are filthy RICH in joy. They smiled like they had a 100K in their pocket. They prayed like God was about to answer. They rejoiced like they won the world series. And connected relationally more easily than MOST I know with lots of money. And the way they prayed on the spot for so many situations...leaning in to trusting God and not self, was inspiring.
Jarabacoa, DR Young Life leaders and us
6. Working and serving side-by-side together offers the highest level of bonding. Even if doing an arduous, inefficient activity like hand mixing concrete, making a meal, cleaning dishes, serving meals...makes sense why 'serving together' is such a game changer for growing in faith and community.
5. Language and cultural barriers can be 'thinned' (like my hair) if we decide in our hearts that we WANT to connect with others. We were placed with a host family who didn't speak any English. What worked to connect was eating together, using 'google translate' to overcome communication barriers, playing cards, sharing pictures of family, interests and asking to see their pictures. The barrier between us was thinner than my hair-do.
4. There is no gold standard of excellence. Culturally embedded excellence is what we can look for. Kids in the DR are blown away by green, gress fields to play in, three served meals, having a leader with them, being safe, simply having a gymnasium and cabins. It is wise for us to ask, 'what would excellence look like for THESE kids?' that we are leading. YL camp in the NW would be too much for them.
3. Cheerful hospitality expresses the abundance of God. When we welcome strangers/hosts, use eye contact, make room for others at a crowded or empty table, initiate conversation with those we don't know well, and engage with people's stories who we don't know well; it expresses that we believe that God's love and provision is enough for each of us, and will not run out (scarcity of time, love, money!)
Leaders sharing their Discipleship Tree, List and map.
2. Discipleship is the best form of leadership. For depth, but also for width too! Jesus invited us to disciple, teach, invest life-on-life with a few. If we all did that, changed lives would be exponential. Yet it is inefficient (so hard for busy Americans like me/us), often hasn't been modeled to us, it can be hard to do life WITH others, and requires intentionality outside the lines we typically run in. We got to see a simple form of discipleship in DR Young Life (Vida Joven.) Each leader or student wanting to lead were actively learning to utilize these tools:
   #1. A 'list.'  Names written of 'relationships built,' who they are praying for and who they want to invite to camp, club, to pray for and be with more.
   #2. A written discipleship tree which includes who their roots are who pours into them, who the 3+ they are pouring into, AND who' thos' 3+' are pouring into as well.
   #3. A map if their neighborhood/area they have vision for, and
   #4. A simple way to study the bible for themselves and to teach others with, called the 'Discovery Bible Method.'  With simple, transferable tools like this, we saw 40+ year old Directors all the way to 13 year old 'kids' back from camp, who ALL had the same approach. It was BEAUTIFUL and effective in empowering all.
The host family who we stayed overnight with.
1. God does not primarily speak English. He understands and speaks every language with pinpoint precision. God is not white, nor American. God is God, he loves all, has plans for, loves, delights and stores up unique blessings in people of every culture. He loves ME, and he loves Yefri, Nathalie, and you. Equally. Good reminder to let him expand my heart to make room in my heart for others 'otherly' than me, and learn from the way God revelas Himself to them uniquely. We have a lot to learn yet!

Humbly Yours,
Jeff and Tanya Huber

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Discipleship Tree: Allen and Sir Charles

One of the Young Life guys back in 2012-ish, that was one of "my 12", (intentionally invested in) on my Discipleship Tree, Allen Turner, from Everett, is featured in a Young Life Missionwide email, the 'Monday Morning'. 

Fun to see how God has taken him from the rough hand he was dealt in life, to shower grace upon him, that the Holy Spirit brought him to his senses (like the prodigal son,) throw His arms around him, and lift him to become a dynamic, to be the fruit bearing leader he is today.

He is interviewed with his YL kid, Sir Charles, leading like a champ. Proud of him And cheering for Sir Charles! 

Check out the article and video clip here!  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018: Valuable Lessons Learned

Happy 2019.

This week Tanya and I have been reflecting on what we learned during 2018 and I'm so glad we did. We came up with 21 valuable nuggets, each with deep meaning I never want to forget. As I sat in a beach chair brainstorming each one, two sisters ran up to me, looking over my shoulder saying 'Whoooaaah! That's a LOT of ink, WHAT are you WRITING about?' We laughed, but the truth is, if we don't know why we had wins or losses, we might not fully bag up the gold we just panned from the river through hard experience.  Here are the top 12 lessons learned:

10. I Blame Shame: A new mentor, author, Brene Brown uncovered my eyes to how shame silently and violently impacts us (me) and all those around us. Shame, protecting one's emotional exposure to possibly being hurt, and the automatic triggers which lead to putting walls up are crouching all around us. In meetings, in relationships, in my job, family, and marriage. Yet, there are ways to combat shame, namely: me leading with thoughtful vulnerability, taking risks, cultivating resilience in myself and in others, practicing gratitude, increasing a sense in others of belonging, and practicing self-compassion (talk to yourself like a loving friend, and help others do this too.)

9. Scarcity vs. Abundance. Two deeply varying views of life, often of the same set of conditions. One of 'not enough', one of 'enough.'  One based in fear and self-preservation, one based in trust and being loved. Much of ministry, relationships, and life waver between these two poles. The Lord has been inviting me to trust HIS abundance, HE is enough, and he is able, and can be trusted.

8. Was I faithful? At Creekside, as camp speaker for 350 middle school kids for three weeks, Ernie Merino and I would always meet and process after each 'talk' I gave. We landed on a key, first question each time: "Was I faithful?" There are always ways to improve and to acknowledge that went well, yet, in serving God, the 'was I faithful' seems to be primary and allows all other evaluations to be secondary, lighter, and outside feeling related to our identity.

7. How a hyper guy can hyper-focus. I have a track record of gobbling up to-do lists, getting back quickly to people and getting 'ish done, yet also, putting off the 'more important' work due to a struggle to do heavy lifting of hard yet critical work. My life coach Randy Trettevik helped me discover that I AM good at blocking out time to get heavy lifting work done. I schedule 1-2 hour blocks of time (time blocking) and ONLY focus on that. It has been a confidence booster!

6. Plan well, pray well. Speaking of ADHD, I have always struggled with prayer and time with God. I am SO easily distracted. So when I FINALLY carve out time to be with God to pray, reflect, journal...and then don't have a plan for how to use the time I carved out...my brain spins like a hamster wheel.  I learned this year to decide ahead of time how the time can be used. On my weekly (written) action list or google calendar, I type in what my soul/mind craves. Sometimes its been to lament about some loss in my life, or make a 'thankful' list, or review a previous journal entry, journal about my dad, or pray for each area and staff in our YL region. This helps me SO much to be able to enter in and make the fullest use of time set aside for solitude.

5. Power, Race and Privilege. This was a year where I learned more about how race, voice, power and inequity that exists all around me.  I see more clearly how systems in our world, country, and yes, even in Young Life, are set up to help those in power continue to be so. I know there are many factors to consider, many of which I do not fully grasp. As I explore how this relates to leadership for many Latinos in Central WA, I can see how the ability to express their influence and voice is muted because of views of them being merely viewed implicitly as "orchard and farm workers", rather than called, deeply, gifted leaders, fully worthy of being trusted to lead communities and areas.  I've been learning ways to empower, re-adjust and create financial systems in YL to make room for diverse voices to lead us. Yet, without fixing on my own, but collaborating.  I am far from figuring out how our slice of the Kingdom of God is to operate more equitable for all ethnicities, females and socio-economic levels, but I'm learning! The counter to this I've been hearing is that a 'victimhood' culture is giving people a voice to grab at power from white people, mostly males, and disregards other issues like lawlessness and immigration. What's asked is: 'who is paying for people's quest for liberty and happiness?' Also, the fruit of faithfulness and how hard work paid off by people and their predecessors led them to success, and that its not right to disdain people for this. How can these two varying views reconcile? No idea! Yet I sense God's call towards 'togetherness' in the region I live where our leaders, staff and committee can represent the 50+% of the kids of color. I pray that in Young Life, His Kingdom come and be reflected, and his will be done for all kids and adults.

4. "Relax, don't do it." The Enneagram test results reveal that I am off the charts as a "7" and a "3."  Which laymen terms means I'm living in joy, excitement, thinking ahead in terms of vision and next adventures. The healthy, relaxed pairing to this is to go to "5" which is investigating, losing myself in hobby, study, or activity. My problem is that I am 99% 7, but 96% a developed "3," which is the achiever who's live gravitates to get 'ish done as my go-to impulse. An Enneagram counselor, (John Evans) helped me see how urgent it is for me to eschew work to relax and lose myself in enjoyable things, and that is how my cup can be refilled and how that adds health to me and those around me.  

3. Can I get a 'with-ness.'  One of my commitments is to read the bible yet its easy to fall out of rhythm when its 'just me' reading. I found the blessedness of with-ness this year. Reading with a few friends added tremendous value and motivation. We used group texts, meeting in small groups and using the Marco Polo app in groups, sharing insights with each other.  With-ness wins.

2. Goals just wanna have fun. I set some goals for the year and ran it by my friends Ryan I and Mike K. Both liked where I was going but commented that they were 'kinda blah.'  Mike commented that they were 'nuts and boltsy,' wondering if I'd actually be motivated to do them, and inquired if they can be a little sexier. Sexy? I can do sexy! So I spruced up my goals and added flavor, flare, stretch and adventure. I typed these into my goal sheet & in the Notes app on my iPhone to keep track
       -20 'Daddy Daughter and Doggie Dates' with Janna. Finished with 17/20.
       -25 movies in the theater with Dietrich. (His favorite thing!) Finished with 25/25!
       -16 Stand Up Paddleboard dates with Tanya. 12 lakes, 4 rivers. (Finished 9/12 and 4/4)
       -50 solitudes w/ God. Listed all the best places, tracked where each time. Finished 45/50.
       -Read 12 books. Finished 13/12! Most EVER in a year.
       -104 work outs with Tanya, doing a 'check in' on our life (physical, emotional/mental, work, kids and relationships) each time. I didn't track it but it was our best year of connection...ever.

1. Connection wins. If you notice the goals set for the year, the BEST ones have to do with connection, not purely accomplishment. Each goal creates space and at bats for connection to take place. With family, self and God. I learned that goals towards connection were the best.

What were your learning lessons and goals this year?  I'd love to hear! 


Bonus: The 13 Books I read this year. Wanna talk about any of them?

Face to Face,Vol 3, Sharing God's Life. Marty Folsom.
Boys in The Boat. (about the UW rowing team in Nazi Germany)  Daniel J. Brown.
The Road Back to You (Enneagram.) Ian Cron.
Leadership and Self-Deception. Arbinger Institute.
Good Faith. Gabe Lyons.
The Go-Giver. Burg & Mann.
Mentor Like Jesus. Regi Campbell
Right Color, Wrong Culture. Bryan Loritts
Daring Greatly. Brene Brown
White Awake. Daniel Hill.
Dare to Lead. Brene Brown
Disunity in Christ, Christena Cleveland (Duke U.)
Who Is This Man? John Ortberg