Monday, July 18, 2016

North Spokane and the cost of saying yes

I Planned a celebratory post about the new hire for North Spokane YL today. Two calls were made to the two AMAZING finalists. Both were prepared to process the decision with their spouses. Their current teams where they serve. One received an offer. One did not. I don't have more to say today. It was actually a very emotional day for me and both candidates.

Imagine spending two months praying 'all in' for serving in a community, then realizing it's not the direction that's best. The feeling of letting go of a dream of trusting God big and being in a new time that you'd need to reply on God like never before but surrounded by an enthusiastic, welcoming host of people...and it not being the person invited.

Imagine getting a call being offered a huge leadership role 6 hours from home, requiring leaving the only home community you've even known. And taking on a higher level of leadership you've ever taken on. And having to communicate to a whole community who deeply loves and values you and your leadership. It makes sense that he is praying over the decision before saying 'yes'.

These are among a few of the emotions being experienced by the two finalists.

I remember my process when I was invited to apply for the regional director position. I remember the sleepless nights. My heart beating out of my chest out of exhilaration, anticipation, reliance on God for his guidance, and the looming fear of being a total dud. After investing time, prayer; hundreds of conversations, and having my attention completely captivated, I found myself leaning in so deeply.

When i was in the final days, the thought of taking the job or not being invited to take it both felt costly. Either way, I was in deep. There was no way to protect my emotions. I would suffer either way.  Losing all I knew and held dear for the call and the honor of saying YES to the Lord, or the hurt of being passed up for whatever reason would be given.

So my post is about prayer for two all in men who took the risk to expose their hearts for the sake of following Christ, forsaking comfort and familiarity and wanting to be available for the Kingdom.

How are you leaving it all out on the field? Are you in a position where you are all in? Are you appreciating and honoring those who give all of who they are for the sake of Jesus and others? Thank and cheer someone on today. :).   -Jeff-

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