Saturday, July 27, 2019

Solid Say-So Stories and N. Idaho YL here

'Say-So' Shout Outs!

Say-so, the gathering on the last night where kids pass the mic to share if they made a significant decision of faith during the week, was powerful. Of the 350+ campers, over 100 kids stood up. One camper this week had been wrestling with gender uncertainty. She self-identified to be in a female cabin. All week she tried out going by her preferred 'male' gender name. No matter, he/she was loved deeply and accepted by all. As they listened to the message of Jesus, the good news of being loved, belonging 'with' God, and having full access to God and all He has in store, SHE responded. As the mic went around at say-so, she introduced herself as her female name and shared she found herself in God and has 'come home' (reference to Luke 15.)

Of the 100 more, there was Takalina and Danny from Lynnwood, each 'finally' decided after years of resisting God, to finally follow Jesus. Maddie from Hood River exclaimed being excited for this new life in Jesus. Fabian decided to finally open up and live for Jesus instead of for himself. Padey expressed thankfulness to her leaders and those who served at camp who helped her finally be ready to connect with God and receive his love. Big tough 'Brandon', through tears, proclaimed that his life has been saved by God numerous times in the past, and he is finally going to live for the one who keeps saving me.  
Janna is back at Malibu, broken foot and all, with an amazing attitude!

One more highlight is quite a bit deeper. Rewind back to our first night here, before any campers had arrived, when Tanya led the whole camp on a prayer walk, which included praying for every cabin and the kids who will inhabit them the coming week. Elizabeth a Summer Staff girl, prayed with Tanya outside one of the Nootka cabins. She felt led to pray specifically for one girl, one of course that had no idea who it was. She felt God prompt her that there is a girl coming who has really been 'in a dark place and very lost'. They said 'amen' knowing full well that they may never know if this prayer would be revealed to be true or just a feeling. Well, fast forward to the end of the week, at say-so. One girl from Portland West, got the mic and said “I was in a dark place and very lost for a lot of years and this week, I finally gave my life to Jesus." Elizabeth caught eyes with Tanya and with tears and a crystal clear certainty only the Holy Spirit brings, that THIS WAS THE EXACT GIRL WE PRAYED FOR! (Insert chills) 

Tanya welcoming leaders, Day 1, along with Marcus E and Dooley

Our team is gelling well, Tanya has served with excellence as camp director, alongside a solid team, including Head Leaders, Bill Dooley and Marcus Eiland, from our region. And also from Spokane, Kolby Schoenrock on program, my running partner and friend, and work crew bosses, the Linquists too.

And...North Idaho is here this week. A great group of 50+ guys and girls, including Area Director Molly Starch who brought my Cheez-Its, and Natalie from Post Falls YL and P/T staff Braden and Mekole too. 

Lastly, the teenage children from our assignment team families continue to bond well. This pic below is the biggest game of Apples to Apples I've ever seen. :) 

Next week all our Spokane and Spokane Valley friends, as well as Yakima/Selah and Leavenworth who will be here. Excited!

Thanks for listening and praying!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Malibu Week 1: Broken, broken, and Unbroken!

Hi Friends! We're just finishing up Malibu week #1. Dietrichs thriving, Tanya too.

On Day 6 (today) I had to take Janna out on a water taxi to Sechelt, BC to the emergency room for an x-ray on her foot. She rolled her ankle, breaking her 5th metatarsal bone, during...the (non-treacherous) Virginia Reel dance, while sachay-ing down and back. After breaking it, she kept dancing, not wanting the experience to end abruptly. She's such a little warrior.

A powerful element during the week has been 'Real Life.' This is a panel of four, that shares moments of their lives in HS and leading up to HS. These four brave folks on our team here share honestly and with vulnerability about the hard things they walked through, which helps our 375+ high school friends to have an example that a) they are not alone and others have gone through hardships b) God is able to transform our broken stories in powerful ways and c) helps campers to open up about their stories with their leader and friends. Tanya shares about her growing up without presence or affirmation from her father, and the pressure of succeeding as a mixed race girl struggling to be 'seen' and to be a success. Others share of overcoming betrayal from parents and friends and the struggle to find faith amidst pain. One teammate, Maddie Z, shares of making it deep into Americal Idol only to be dropped in a late round, and plummeting her back into an even deeper depression that temporary popularity could not fulfill. Kids are really processing deeply, excited to share specific stories of kids.


One girl here at Malibu, from a Middle Eastern country and a really broken, tough life story, had been describing some never-before-feelings she’d been having here, during cabin times and the 15 min quiet times. She shared of hearing a voice that seemed like the way God has been described. Some ways that she has heard this voice: a) realizing clearly as to how she has pushed God away (realizing sin) from her b) receiving comfort from her many fears she's struggled with, c) feeling a sense of forgiveness like never before, d) feeling ‘led’ to share things she would not normally with others, e) feeling a peace she can’t explain. She had known of God growing up, addressing Him as Allah, but never feeling any closeness or relationship. As she shared her experiences with her leader, her leader showed her in the Bible where Jesus describes the Holy Spirit who is fully available to all who would receive God. This sweet girl realized that she was hearing and recognizing it was God, personally pursuing her. The Holy Spirit, as described in John 14 and 16 (and many other places) lined up to this new experience. Isn't that SO God! Personally speaking to a girl who had not known God in a personal way, she went from a broken young lady to 'unbroken' spirit. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound."

And...both kids got to be in the epic Malibu 'Opera' on night 4, look closely and you'll see Janna in the middle/right in pink, dressing as a main character from the week, and Dietrich is dressed at a maple leaf. Here's a short video clip of it, only to be shared with you, don't share this to those from Everett/Mill Creek, Spokane or Wenatchee, Walla Walla, Tonasket and Leavenworth who are still coming in the next few weeks. :)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

God moments for ‘us’ and ‘them’

God sightings so far. 

Tanya continues to thrive, as she leads well alongside of this talented team we have here. Twice yesterday, people here stopped her and said during their morning prayer time that God wanted her to know how deeply loved she is, and how God delights in her. 

Don’t you love how God can get something across to us? 

A girl from Lynnwood introduced herself, sharing she was at Creekside camp last year when I spoke. She remembers ‘everything’ and appreciated how Janna was an object lesson and how I knocked at her door on the stage and she finally opened it, and hugged me, like how Jesus knocks on our door and we can open it, and open our life to God. Fun to see how the seed planted last year is still growing in one kid! 

Marcus, one of our head leaders, took one on one time to connect with a camper here who self professes they are Satanic. It’s a joy to listen to, spend time with and express value to every kid regardless of any uniqueness. I’m glad that when I was an early teen and did not want anything to do with God, people like Dick Conner, a NW University student named Tony Cloud and others reached out to me too. Praying! 

I pulled together some of the kids here for the month for a cabin time after club day 2. Dietrich called it ‘manpaigners’. (Like YL’s ‘campaigners’). The speaker, Scott Didrickson, shared about the adoption of their daughter from an orphanage in Ghana. I asked these boys, first, who they know who is adopted, and how ‘adoption’ relates to God’s love for us. 

One boy, 11 years old, shared about how a kid in an orphanage is lost, doesn’t know if they belong or are fully accepted, like we feel until God takes us in and we experience all those things we didn’t have.’  Nice insight, kid!  Then Dietrich, 13, shared something I never thought of. He explained, ‘God’s adopting and love for us is like the story Jesus told, where the two men walked past the man who was beaten, robbed and left unconscious. They are like the parents who couldn’t or wouldn’t keep their kids they had, or like those around who did not help the child who was born. Yet God’s love is like the 3rd person, the Samaritan man who helped him, took him in, used their money and care to restore him. That’s like how I think God adopting us is like. He takes us in no matter what condition we are, to be with him instead of on our own, ignoring or avoiding us.’  Uh....yep. Think he pretty much nailed it.
Dietrich also jumped in to help run a field games station (see Dietrich, pointing, below), giant Jenga, along with Conor Dooley. 30 groups of HS came through. He helped lead like a champ. I didn’t see that coming! 

Praying for the campers to have a powerful week...A
and for those of us serving too. Sometimes the message is for the messengers too! 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Kids arrive: this never gets old!

Seeing 375 high school aged campers and their leaders exit the Malibu Princess boat never gets old. I tried to pray for every single one as they enthusiastically ran up the camp and into camp. God is more excited for them than they have any clue, so the ‘welcome’ always feels like a foretaste of heaven. Here’s a time lapse of the welcome 

 Join us this week praying for kids from Lynnwood-Terrace, Hood River, Issaquah, Eugene and a few others.

Before campers arrived, Tanya, serving as camp director, addressed the entire team of work crew, summer staff, leadership (“A”) team and property staff, inviting them to pull together to grasp how high wide long and deep the love of God is for them, and then extend it to over 1,300 campers over 4 weeks. After speaking in the breathtaking new Malibu club room, Sequoia, she invited them to go on a prayer walk to pray-pare their hearts. She is slaying it.

One guest, the Yacht Host, Tom Culp, overflowed with nostalgia today. He shared that 50 years ago today, the sound was hooked up to the radio in the dining hall so all the campers could listen to the broad-cast of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking a ‘small step’ of the first moon walk. I can tell already, this week and month will be out of this world. 

And PS, Janna and a crew of 7 other teenage girls have immediately bonded and formed a small group for the month. Amazing. And Dietrich is already diving right in.  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pre-Malibu Pics and Prayers


We are on our way to Malibu. On our way we made an interesting stop.

Backstory, at our YL region Art and Wine Auction In April, a live item was a photo shoot with pets. true Eastern WA style, the winning bidder requested family pics with their family cow and goat. Janna is less a goat whisperer than she is with dogs, but she handled it like a champ. It was a fun adventure together for sure. 

Wake Surfing...
Before we headed to Malibu landing this morning, we stopped at Lake Stevens to take a ride on our friends, Casey and Alyssa’s boat. I ended up attempting to wake surf. I don’t know if I quite got it but surfed a few times without the rope, but like a Pharisee, I lacked a sense of ‘grace.’ Wasn't pretty, but it was a great way to start our journey this month.  

Border 'Non'-Issues
If you’ve followed Tanyas issues getting a passport, and our past troubles at the border when traveling to Malibu, you’d know how much prayer surrounded our border crossing...and it was apparent as it took, no joke, 3 minutes from getting in line to entering the land of maple and ketchup potato chips! 

Prayer Team

We invite your prayers for the next few weeks. Pray for Tanya’s leadership and the assigned team who will serve 4 weeks of over 1,300 high school aged campers from all over the NW. And pray for our family to bond with our other families here, with each other, and with God. That WE would be different when we leave, just like we pray for the campers to. We will share updates the next few weeks on here, stay tuned!  

Are you in with us? 

Jeff and Tanya