Sunday, February 24, 2019

YL Dominican Republic Dominated Me!

Just got back from a 5 day trip to the D.R. with staff in the Young Life NW Division. VP Lindsey Patchell, International Senior V.P Marty Caldwell & an anonymous donor invited the RDs and spouses, to experience from what the Lord is doing in Latin America Vida Joven (YL.)

Wanted to share 8 deep impressions of what dominated my heart and mind while in the DR that we will be marinatin' and percolatin' on for a while. You'll see in these video clips and pics will include elements of the 8 impressions below.
   *Especially this summary video I compiled from our trip.
   *Also, to see scenes from the D.R., here's my google drive folder with 6 video clips from the D.R.
YL club, including a hilarious walk on, melodrama skit, music, a rap and club talk (en Espanol.)
8. Joy, fun, and laughing are forms of bonding between us that transcend all differences. Lucky for me...because people laugh all the time at me. But really, smiles translate!
7. Money and joy are not directly related. Folks here have SO little financially. Yet the people we met here are filthy RICH in joy. They smiled like they had a 100K in their pocket. They prayed like God was about to answer. They rejoiced like they won the world series. And connected relationally more easily than MOST I know with lots of money. And the way they prayed on the spot for so many situations...leaning in to trusting God and not self, was inspiring.
Jarabacoa, DR Young Life leaders and us
6. Working and serving side-by-side together offers the highest level of bonding. Even if doing an arduous, inefficient activity like hand mixing concrete, making a meal, cleaning dishes, serving meals...makes sense why 'serving together' is such a game changer for growing in faith and community.
5. Language and cultural barriers can be 'thinned' (like my hair) if we decide in our hearts that we WANT to connect with others. We were placed with a host family who didn't speak any English. What worked to connect was eating together, using 'google translate' to overcome communication barriers, playing cards, sharing pictures of family, interests and asking to see their pictures. The barrier between us was thinner than my hair-do.
4. There is no gold standard of excellence. Culturally embedded excellence is what we can look for. Kids in the DR are blown away by green, gress fields to play in, three served meals, having a leader with them, being safe, simply having a gymnasium and cabins. It is wise for us to ask, 'what would excellence look like for THESE kids?' that we are leading. YL camp in the NW would be too much for them.
3. Cheerful hospitality expresses the abundance of God. When we welcome strangers/hosts, use eye contact, make room for others at a crowded or empty table, initiate conversation with those we don't know well, and engage with people's stories who we don't know well; it expresses that we believe that God's love and provision is enough for each of us, and will not run out (scarcity of time, love, money!)
Leaders sharing their Discipleship Tree, List and map.
2. Discipleship is the best form of leadership. For depth, but also for width too! Jesus invited us to disciple, teach, invest life-on-life with a few. If we all did that, changed lives would be exponential. Yet it is inefficient (so hard for busy Americans like me/us), often hasn't been modeled to us, it can be hard to do life WITH others, and requires intentionality outside the lines we typically run in. We got to see a simple form of discipleship in DR Young Life (Vida Joven.) Each leader or student wanting to lead were actively learning to utilize these tools:
   #1. A 'list.'  Names written of 'relationships built,' who they are praying for and who they want to invite to camp, club, to pray for and be with more.
   #2. A written discipleship tree which includes who their roots are who pours into them, who the 3+ they are pouring into, AND who' thos' 3+' are pouring into as well.
   #3. A map if their neighborhood/area they have vision for, and
   #4. A simple way to study the bible for themselves and to teach others with, called the 'Discovery Bible Method.'  With simple, transferable tools like this, we saw 40+ year old Directors all the way to 13 year old 'kids' back from camp, who ALL had the same approach. It was BEAUTIFUL and effective in empowering all.
The host family who we stayed overnight with.
1. God does not primarily speak English. He understands and speaks every language with pinpoint precision. God is not white, nor American. God is God, he loves all, has plans for, loves, delights and stores up unique blessings in people of every culture. He loves ME, and he loves Yefri, Nathalie, and you. Equally. Good reminder to let him expand my heart to make room in my heart for others 'otherly' than me, and learn from the way God revelas Himself to them uniquely. We have a lot to learn yet!

Humbly Yours,
Jeff and Tanya Huber

1 comment:

  1. I’m ready to learn all of the details of what these special people taught you. It’s amazing how small we become as we realize the wide world of cultures and that the love of God permeates them all.
