Sunday, July 21, 2019

God moments for ‘us’ and ‘them’

God sightings so far. 

Tanya continues to thrive, as she leads well alongside of this talented team we have here. Twice yesterday, people here stopped her and said during their morning prayer time that God wanted her to know how deeply loved she is, and how God delights in her. 

Don’t you love how God can get something across to us? 

A girl from Lynnwood introduced herself, sharing she was at Creekside camp last year when I spoke. She remembers ‘everything’ and appreciated how Janna was an object lesson and how I knocked at her door on the stage and she finally opened it, and hugged me, like how Jesus knocks on our door and we can open it, and open our life to God. Fun to see how the seed planted last year is still growing in one kid! 

Marcus, one of our head leaders, took one on one time to connect with a camper here who self professes they are Satanic. It’s a joy to listen to, spend time with and express value to every kid regardless of any uniqueness. I’m glad that when I was an early teen and did not want anything to do with God, people like Dick Conner, a NW University student named Tony Cloud and others reached out to me too. Praying! 

I pulled together some of the kids here for the month for a cabin time after club day 2. Dietrich called it ‘manpaigners’. (Like YL’s ‘campaigners’). The speaker, Scott Didrickson, shared about the adoption of their daughter from an orphanage in Ghana. I asked these boys, first, who they know who is adopted, and how ‘adoption’ relates to God’s love for us. 

One boy, 11 years old, shared about how a kid in an orphanage is lost, doesn’t know if they belong or are fully accepted, like we feel until God takes us in and we experience all those things we didn’t have.’  Nice insight, kid!  Then Dietrich, 13, shared something I never thought of. He explained, ‘God’s adopting and love for us is like the story Jesus told, where the two men walked past the man who was beaten, robbed and left unconscious. They are like the parents who couldn’t or wouldn’t keep their kids they had, or like those around who did not help the child who was born. Yet God’s love is like the 3rd person, the Samaritan man who helped him, took him in, used their money and care to restore him. That’s like how I think God adopting us is like. He takes us in no matter what condition we are, to be with him instead of on our own, ignoring or avoiding us.’  Uh....yep. Think he pretty much nailed it.
Dietrich also jumped in to help run a field games station (see Dietrich, pointing, below), giant Jenga, along with Conor Dooley. 30 groups of HS came through. He helped lead like a champ. I didn’t see that coming! 

Praying for the campers to have a powerful week...A
and for those of us serving too. Sometimes the message is for the messengers too! 


  1. Want to know a fun story? Scott was the speaker when I was on assignment three years ago, and we discovered that I met his daughter in Ghana a few months before they adopted her! We knew a number of volunteers who worked at hers, and I went to visit a few times! Small crazy world :)

    1. Why won't it show my name?!?!?! Haha Kathy Taylor Pechtel here :)
