Monday, August 1, 2016

Praying for Kamiak kids...and God working

It has been a heavy, difficult time of breaking the terrible news of the shooting and subsequent loss of the 3 Kamiak grads. The Kamiak leaders, Brittany, Nick J and I got together to make plans to share with the 30+ Kamiak kids to inform them of the shooting back home, give them basic facts, including the names of those involved, and pray.  It was a deeper grieving than we imagined.

At 11pm, our sharing began with tears, cumulated to intense mourning, and finished around 3am with tears hugs and an all group prayer.  Some of us leaders had never been a part of intense mourning like this.  A few girls lost their best friends.  Others lost neighbors.  Still others knew the shooter.  It was HARD. The next day (yesterday) was hard too as others realized they were well connected with the young people who had lost their lives.

Yet, in the midst of this, "in all things, God WORKS for the good."  God was working to restore, heal, bring light into the darkness.  I know this was true in Mukilteo, and also at Malibu.  As it turns out, there were a few licensed experienced grief counselors here as adult guests.  Our co-head leader Jeffrey Chambers from Chelan YL is sharing his story during 'Real Life' about losing his friends to shootings, including his mentor who was gunned down due to a mistaken gang identity.  And having Tyler Marcus here to help kids, he's the Marysville-Pilchuck YL leader who was there to support kids in the wake of the shooting there Not a coincidence that a number of the Mariner HS kids were still fresh in grieving from a classmate who was gunned down for the same reason. Additionally, the fact that some of the kids here knew that if they had not been here at Malibu, they knew they would have been at this party, as their friends were named as being present there.

I feel blessed that I happen to be here to help with these kids I've known for years and could be a trusted voice and presence in the darkest of times.  Thankful for our team here and the great leaders from West Sno Co who are present with kids.

God has been healing kids hearts.  God is moving amongst all kids and has their attention.  Pray for tonight as Kent shares about the cross!

Gotta go, off to the ropes course.


  1. Wow. God never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for investing in kids lives. Tell Dayna I miss her deeply!

  2. You are all an answer to my prayers!! Thank you for the selfless work you give my son and all others!! -Kristen Miller
